Joined: Oct 2020
Day 6 – Ring the changes part 2I had another strange dream. This time she told me that the red wizards were looking north, towards the Friendly Arm Inn and that they had left Beregost. I woke up feeling relieved, but after a night out in the wilderness I was looking forward to a good bed tonight. Me and Imoen now had enough gold to rent the best room in Beregost for months – but tbh I’m starting to wonder if this won’t draw some attention to us. I’m trying to avoid being assassinated so me and imoen decides we would change inns, lay low. Picked up a few things from the smithy today: some studded leather armor for Imoen, she was pretty hyped, and a better sling for me since It seems like I’m going to be doing a lot of slinging. Next we delivered that letter from the half-eaten messenger and holy shit the woman was so pleased she gave us a magic ring of protection in payment. Being the magnanimous person that I am we agreed that Imoen should wear it. Obviously this was from the kindness and generosity of my heart and not because pragmatically as a gnome I’m already good at resisting magic and that sort of stuff. I don’t want my little sister dying on me after all. Only problem was, neither me nor Imoen actually knew what it did. We tried asking around but couldn’t find anyone in Beregost who could help us. Someone said we should visit the wizard in his tower west of the town. We found the wizard tower no problem (its huge! I was filled with wizard tower envy) But we also found a load of dog things, gnolls hanging around outside the walls. They all had these enormous halberds which they were swinging around, and they barked at us, literally barked, like actual dogs. I could tell they wanted to eat us baaaadly. I used up every one of my spells while Imoen tried to hit them with arrows. I’ll tell you this, fighting three rabid dog-men at the Same time is no easy thing. And one of them was super strong, it had all scars round its muzzle and was bigger than the others. Good job I’m the best, and also that Imoen had stolen a magic wand from candlekeep before she left. To the victor the spoils as they say, and the big tough one ha a short sword which had “Perdue” engraved on it. It didn’t look magical at all so I figured we could try and find its owner for a reward rather than just flogging it with the other junk. Sometimes sentimentality makes people act all funny (and generous). Battle beneath the walls trophy pic!The guy in town was right and the wizard in the tower could identify the ring. Nice. Plus this guy was absolutely loaded, magical stuff EVERYWHERE. I tried to contain my uncontainable greed and envy. He had spell scrolls for sale for spells I’d never even heard of, never dreamed of being possible. It was all super expensive so I just bought one that said it would allow me identify things. I was getting pretty fed up with paying huge amounts of gold to get people to tell me what things did. We also had a joke about him calling the ring “the ring of princes”, more like the ring of princesses imoen said as she put it on – the wizard didn’t find that very funny so we scarpered pronto ‘cos there was more money to be made. dank wizard tower dank ringIt was getting late by the time we got back to berghost so I figured we could track down this “perdue” if he was around then find a new inn. We asked around for ages until we ended up in a nasty place called the “Burning Wizard” – barkeep said that perdue often drinks next door at the red sheaf but since it was so late by this point me and Imoen decided to get a room here.
Last edited by alice_ashpool; 08/12/20 12:13 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Day 7 – Inn HoppingTerrible nights sleep – regretting 100% our choice to downgrade our lodgings. This place s u c k s and I am never coming back. Woke up early just to get out – think I might have fleas, my ankles are super itchy. But on the flipside no red wizards trying to track us down. Guess my strange and also powerful dream visitor is on the money. We left to go find Perdue and cash in his sword for big money. worst. inn. ever.So the Red Sheaf was a shitshow – there was another assassin waiting for us in there! Some dwarf with a massive axe. I tried to bribe him but he was too stupid to know a good deal. I hit him with my blindness spell and me and imoen tried to take him down, but we were making a terrible mess of the red sheaf, like absolute chaos – this guy would NOT go down, he seemed to have a pocket full of healing potions and was armoured like a tank, even blind. But kill him we did (obviously or I would not be writing this duh), and after apologising A LOT for the mess we checked the body to find that he had a bounty notice on him for me, but this time it was 350 gold – someone really wants me dead. smashing up the red sheaf. 100% not our fault! one bounty I am NOT interested in collecting.The only good side was that perdue was in the inn (hehe) and he gave us a fat sack of gold for returning his absolutely non-magical short sword – what a rube. Anyway, me and imoen are not welcome in the Red Sheaf ever again apparently so we’ll have to find yet another place to sleep. So much for laying low. There was still time in the day though, and I remembered a little asshole who only this morning I realised had stolen some gold from me at the burning wizard. He told us this sob story about how his magic boots had been stolen by hobgolbins. And well, magic boots are just too good to resist so me and Imoen headed into the wilderness just south of the town and sure enough a group of (now dead) hobgoblins and a pair of magic boots. Lifes good – think I’ll keep these for Imoen and maybe we go kill the thief later? not sure. I’m getting pretty good at killing things, its almost like me and Imoen have a talent for it or something – weird. It was dark by the time we got back to beragost and, lacking anything better to do we decided to try inn number four – the jovial juggler. We were immediately accosted by some do gooder tryin to get us to kill some half-ogres. Like holy hells how many times do I have to say “ill think about it” before someone gets the message? And then another who had lost his cloak. Now a magic cloak, that sounds like it’s worth our while, but talosi, and cloakwood, that’s miles away. Something for later maybe. Time to sleep. Inn numero 4
Last edited by alice_ashpool; 08/12/20 12:13 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Jun 2019
Is it OK to read this now? I am very literal and follow instructions to the letter.
I see from the pictures that Arwen is partly a cleric, how does that affect her motivations and interactions?
Joined: Oct 2020
Day 8 – “We need to be doing something!” - imoenOk, me an Imoen had a chat this morning as we had breakfast in the Jovial Juggler. It’s a week later and we are still no closer to working out why Gorion was killed, or why there are assassins after me, but I’m not stupid: I am the adopted gnome daughter of one of the most respected scholars on the sword coast, he never did tell me who my parents were. I think that must have something to do with it. Maybe I’m like gnome royalty or something?! The only positive in my life right now is that I am considerably richer than I have ever been and that Imoen is here with me. We’ve been to every inn and drinking hole in this place and no one knows anything, all they ever do is talk about the “Iron Crisis.” So, we decided that there is nothing else to learn in Beregost and we should move on to the next place, try and see if we can dig up some more info. That would be Nashkel (ugh) where this iron crisis everyone is so worked up about is supposedly stemming from. I didn’t want to go but imoen convinced me that someone or other might be VERY happy if we could help out, and heroes tend to get, like, rewards, castles, that sort of thing. So after she made “that” face, which she always does when she wants something I relented, looked like we were going to Nashkel. the long, boring, uncomfortable, tiring, dull, and also boring road southWe were attacked in the mountain pass between Beregost and Nashkel: hobgoblins again, the had set up an actual PEREMENANT camp in the pass and were ambushing anyone who went through – this place is going to the dogs (literally in the case of gnolls). It needs someone to sort it out for a hefty and considerable fee and/or monetary show of gratitude, ‘cos how am I going to get a castle with a wizard tower in it if I do everything for free? Those flaming fists we met earlier are proving themselves to be utterly wank at doing anything around here. Fortunately, my host of protective spells and the magic belt mean that arrows practically evaporate before they hit me – amazing really. Six dead hobgoblins, and not a wound on me. Is that normal? Arwen, defier of arrowsWe found a dead family, boo hoo I guess, but one of them had a cute engraved necklace which I thought really went with my eyes. Nothing magical, it just looks good (priorities right? I’m not cruel, its just like, they were already dead, what do you want me to do, burst into tears? I didn’t even know them...). Anyway, we got a bit lost on the way south and ended up in the carnival on the outskirts of Nashkel, rather than the town itself. We decided that it was so dark that we should camp (I bought a tent before we left beregost so no more hiding under trees, yay) and wait for dawn to explore.
Joined: Oct 2020
I like this so far. Does the shield give spell failure to illusionist? No, not in bg1 and 2 Props for the character name, I have imagined her with the right amount of fucks flying around xD You put me in the shame for not finishing BG. It's worth it, but its no BG2 imo That's what postmodernist Arwen looks and swears now. You really know how to make it painful! like, what if it was like clueless, but instead of being set in the valley, cher horowitz was like the daughter of the god of murder? BG1 and BG2 reminds me how I once ran dark monk and from weak scrub, he came out in bg2 as one punch man also there were so many cool mods. Yeah, the whole story is about becoming strong as fuck in a world of shit. Of all the things that "make" the BG story thats the one I think larian need to focus on, and I hope they do. If I make it on to BG2 I will install a whole host of great mods. SCS is the only one I roll with for BG1, mostly because I don't find the quest mods very compelling and there arn't a whole host of difficult tactical challenges why are you that woman from Buffy the vampire slayer? never heard of it sorry Finished an entire saga playthrough with a CN Human Fighter/Assassin like a month ago. This game is timeless, is one of the few games which it always plays like the first time. There's a reason me and others here keep insisting that Larian should seek inspiration in these games. 100% I see from the pictures that Arwen is partly a cleric, how does that affect her motivations and interactions?
you will have to read to find that out, but, it does say do not read, so you are not allowed to read it
Joined: Oct 2020
Day 9 – None of the fun of the fairSo this is what a carnival looks like. Not gonna lie it was pretty exciting, so much to see.. Imoen was pretty stoked too. I managed to reign in my slack-jawed look enough to do some buying and selling, I’d picked up a couple of spell scrolls which made me pretty sick to look at and I couldn’t wait to offload them. Necromancy I think, that is NOT my deal, oh no no. I do not like the idea one bit, who goes about playing with the dead? I kinda prefer making the corpses tbh, though now I have written that down it seems pretty odd. Anyway, no arcane necromancy for me, gnomes must be allergic or something. Kinda how I expected itThere weren’t as many people at the carnival as I had thought there would be but people said that the mines had been “claiming lives” (euphemism). Must be a lot of dead if this is all that’s left. Things are more messed up here than I would have thought. One weird thing that happened is we met some sort of carnival-mage who insisted on summoning an “exploding ogre” – unsurprisingly the ogre was pretty pissed off and attacked the mage, and us. Seemed like a rough way to go but I wasn’t about to get clobbered by some stupid ogre. We mest around the carnival for a couple of hours, it was nice to relax a bit. I was pretty bored with the carnival by this point (there is only so much coconut throwing a girl can do) so the two of us walked the short way to Nashkel proper. So we get towards Nashkel from the fair and I am FREAKING OUT. There’s this freaking red wizard just chilling on a bridge south of the village, looking all around like he’s looking for someone. I pulled Imoen backwards and we hid behind a shed or farm building thingy and he didn’t spot us. But this looked bee aye dee bad. ffsAs we were walking very quickly away we bumped straight into some sort of village idiot talking to a mouse or something. The man seemed to have an intellect lower than a moron and when I told him I wasn’t going to go off on some “quest” to save some “witch” without payment he flipped out and attacked me with no warning! Is everyone outside of candlekeep a grade-A dunce and a psychopath?! Seriously, the guy only had 2 gold pieces on him as well. I told imoen that coming here was a shitty idea and guess who got proved right. And, that’s only the second time (the first was the red wizard looking for us). Because, well, I’ll get to it. I was just so pissed off about this cretin trying to attack me with his laughably oversized sword. MF-er didn’t even have a bounty notice, he was just a moron, wtf. Leave. Us. Alone!So I’m thinking that we will finally get to whatever sorry excuse for an inn this shitstain town has and some fat dude runs up to me calling me greywolf. I don’t know you, fuck off! Is what I actually said (whoops, cringe). Imoen has to literally restrain me. Damn I was pretty angry after the village idiot incident (I mean who kills a village idiot? I feel personally humiliated). Not my finest moment. But he did fuck off. It was just endless, because then someone comes up asking me If will clear out the Nashkel mines. Like m8, a teenage girl and her younger sister and you think we look like we can clear out a freaking mine are you kidding me. Obviously we could, if we wanted to but we 100% do not look like a band of six manly mercenary types of whatever this myopic idiot mistook us for. I said “we’ll think about it” and pushed past him – I could see the tavern sign just ahead. Finally I was thinking. So we go in a guess what, another damn assassin, this time some priestess. Me and Imoen noped out of there asap back into the village with her running after us waving a damn hammer around. We did the whole “save us” thing and some prat ran up and started trying to punch her, like with his HANDS, where the hell are the big men with swords when you need them?! I’d used up all my blindness spells (thanks earlier moron, geez) so Imoen burned through the whole of her magic missile wand putting this asshole in the ground. The punching kicking dude didn’t land a single hit. Pathetic (I told him this afterwards, he seemed pretty miffed). bootleg Jackie chan momentAnyway, I was more concerned with the bounty: she was trying to collect 680 gold pieces, wowzers. Someone is really really wanting me dead even more than before. Could my life get and worse?? yikeseroosAt least there was a bed waiting now. I need to calm down, this anger Is making me think funny. I prayed for respite, for clarity, for anything really.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
This is endlessly entertaining. Good work! The lines that amused me the most in the last few parts: I was filled with wizard tower envy
Sometimes sentimentality makes people act all funny (and generous).
So the Red Sheaf was a shitshow
I tried to bribe him but he was too stupid to know a good deal
But kill him we did (obviously or I would not be writing this duh)
in the inn (hehe)
So after she made “that” face, which she always does when she wants something
the long, boring, uncomfortable, tiring, dull, and also boring road south
this place is going to the dogs (literally in the case of gnolls)
Those flaming fists we met earlier are proving themselves to be utterly wank at doing anything around here
Arwen, defier of arrows
I’m not cruel, its just like, they were already dead, what do you want me to do, burst into tears?
I kinda prefer making the corpses tbh, though now I have written that down it seems pretty odd.
the mines had been “claiming lives” (euphemism)
I told imoen that coming here was a shitty idea and guess who got proved right
(I mean who kills a village idiot? I feel personally humiliated)
Like m8, a teenage girl and her younger sister and you think we look like we can clear out a freaking mine are you kidding me
like a band of six manly mercenary types of whatever this myopic idiot mistook us for
Pathetic (I told him this afterwards, he seemed pretty miffed)
bootleg Jackie chan moment
Joined: Nov 2020
So after she made “that” face, which she always does when she wants something
Kinda like my cat and dogs. Shall rename them to Imoen1, Imoen2 and Imoen3
Joined: Jan 2018
I’m enjoying your playthrough, and I don’t ever enjoy anything as a rule.
Are you planning on recruiting any companions or are you going to stick with Arwen and Imoen alone? I dig the dynamic you gave them.
This makes me want to do another BG run. The last dozen times I’ve played I’ve stuck with my canonical Bhaalspawn each time (I’m a creature of habit):
Half-elf (1/4 Drow), Male, Berserker BG1: Imoen Jaheira Khalid Minsc Dynaheir
BG2: Imoen / Yoshimo Jaheir Minsc Custom Sorcerer Keldorn / Sarevok
Seeing you play has made me want to switch it up. Try something new. Maybe a Halfling Thief?
Joined: Oct 2020
Day 10 – and they call it a mine.I dreamed of her again. It comforted me. She told me that I would be stronger, that she could grant me more power. When I woke up it was true, I could channel slightly more divine energy, not much but enough to be able to cast some sort of holy (or unholy?) curse. I can’t wait to try this out. The cleric we killed the other day had a dopey looking helmet, it was kinda magical but it looked so uncool we sold it for a fat roll of coins, and that’s not all, Imoen had found this badass suit of armour earlier, before I got up. She didn’t tell me exactly where she had found it but I figured she’d “found it.” Enough said – neither of us could use it so we sold it for and even fatter stack than the helmet. We are so freaking rich, I was almost tempted to make the journey all the way back to High Hedge so we can splash out on spellscrolls – that’s how rich we are. I’m itching to try out some new magic. So at this point I think we had seen all Nashkel had to offer so really the choices were to laze around in various inns using our new mountain of gold coins until we got old, assassinated or robbed, or to try and work out what happened to Gorion and get these assassins off my back. The first step, as Imoen rightly said (and I will admit I was pretty hasty i saying no way), is that we need an “in” with the people who know things and do things, powerful people basically, and that “in” is going to be this damn mine which every person and their fricking dog is yapping about. Fix the mine, become “heroes,” leverage that into power, prestige, even more wealth, and information. Damn I’m smart. As we were heading south towards the mine we passed a Temple of Helm in Nashkel, huge thing, it made me feel uncomfortable to see it. I realised I was walking on the other side of the road to be as far away as possible, it didn’t affect Imoen in the same way. Nothing is ever easy though. On the way to the mines, we were travelling through this canyon and yep, you guessed it: ambushed. A whole host of bandits and the like. Me and Imoen were about to runkill them when this half-orc showed up and started hacking apart the bandits. Seemed he held a grudge or something. dont let us stop youHe wasn’t actually that good at fighting but he served as meat shield while me and Imoen did all the heavy lifting. Well, until he was stabbed through the gut by one of the bandits. Me and Imoen were the last ones standing. To the victor the spoils as they say, we looted the corpses like the pair of scavengersbasasses we are. Not one but two magic swords, a magic shield which I could use – this thing is the shit, and some expensive looking potions. Whatever grudge was going on here, me and Imoen have lucked out, not so lucky for the eight corpses though. welp, eveyone deadThe mine looked just as shitty as I expected, peasants breaking rocks and humping dirt around. No thank you. But we were here do a job, and the mine overseer (asshole) told us we could have a one day to investigate – fine, I didn’t even want to spend a whole day here anyway. gross mine with minersThe miners were all panicking about “little demons” great, that would be just what I needed. I was thinking that they were probably scared of bats of some crap. But enough I am not going to describe in long and tedious detail the long and tedious schlumping me and Im did through layer after layer of tunnels. I’m getting a headache just remembering it, so I’ll skip to the end: It became preeeeetty obvious the mine was filled with kobolds, like do these people not read a fricking book every once in a while? How did they not realise this, I mean the upper levels were filled with soldiers from Amn supposedly “protecting the mine.” I’m sensing a theme – first the Flaming Fists, then these soldiers from Amn – professionals? Professional losers more like. We’re pretty good at killing kobolds it seems.The mines connected to a series of deep caves, with even more kobolds, but after you’ve killed you 30th or indeed 300th kobold it all kinda blends into one. Finally, when I thought we could kill no more, We found an area where we could rest, catch our breath recover some spells. I was exhausted, and so was Imoen, these caves go on for ever.
Joined: Oct 2020
Day 11 – Deep in the bowels of the earthWoke up still in this forsaken mine, but we knew we must be near the lowest level 'cos there were literal lava rivers and shit, wtf. Me and Im knew that this was it, we knew whatever was causing the iron crisis was here- i don't normally get like, sentimental, but we both kinda new this was a now or never moment - our whole plan hinged on this. And yeah, there was this room, with this priest of Cyric, and all these skeletons, and kobolds with flaming arrows, in this tight claustrophobic space, hardly any room to move. It was a miracle me and Imoen survived. We had a little bit of help from this elven “mage” called Xan, though he couldn’t actually cast any spells – not actually sure how he survived the battle. He was a prisoner of the cleric or something, some failed adventurer, just talking to him drained, like, the will to live. Part 1 of the battleThe fight was dummy hard, I think me an Imoen drank all our healing potions, and this potion of speed which was a lifesaver – Imoen she moved so quick, we gots to get more of these. Absolutely savage – she hacked the priest up with her shortword. aftermath, with picture of sad sack elfTurns out that yep, just as expected, the cleric was poisoning the iron (duh), but what was more exciting, he had a whole chest full of spell scrolls and magic items: magic boots, magic rings, magic everything. And did I mention the spell scrolls? He also had two letters detailing what was going on with the iron (I read them but they were pretty boring), and with him dead that should be enough to make us heroes or whatever. We left Xan in the mine, I didn’t want a spare wheel on the journey – this is me and Imoen all the way through to the end. He was literally so miserable, who has time for babysitting a depressed elf? Lead 1: a contact in beregost called Tranzig Lead 2: A plot involving some mercenary companies to disrupt other sources of iron into the region.So we walked all the way out of the mine, up through the levels like a pair of chumps - magical teleportation when? There were an awful lot of kobold bodies to step over. i mean a lot. I remember thinking, did me and Imoen really kill all these? It seems perverse almost. Such slaughter. How are we so good at killing things? Yah, so we reported our success, flashed the letters around Nashkel and the mayor was ecstatic. Like so pleased. These people really do love iron ore (sad really). He paid us 900 gold pieces for all our VERY HARD work, which objectively is a lot, but considering the epic amount of walking down mine shafts, not to mention the gratuitous amount of killing involved seemed pretty cheap. I felt genuinely angry. It’s hard to control sometimes, ever since I left candlekeep I’ve been struggling with it. But hey ho, I’m fucking rich now which makes anything good and everything better xd. We retired to the inn to spend some of our new cash, and also to get clean, eww, I realised I absolutely stink, and so does imoen, too long in the grotty mine, not to mention all the dried blood in my clothes. Everyone in the tavern was really pleased to see us and imoen drank too much in the common room before we crashed out. Thank fuck for soft beds and clean sheets.
Joined: Oct 2020
Day 12 – Plans Heya, its me, ArwenTime to sell sell sell, this stuff is like worth a mint – the sword from that half-ork is worth a whopping 450Gs, and, I literally just realised he was the same asshole who told me to bring him a drink in the friendly arm inn. haha jokes on you buddy ‘cos you’re dead and im selling your shit. Arwen 1, half-ork 0. Total haul so far is over 8,000 Golds, so I guess I will have to open an account at the local bank or something, best not to think about the weight issue tbh. Me and Imoen decided to have a day off today and work some stuff out, see where we are. Assess the situation using our combined big brains. Here’s what we know: 1. Some asshole murdered Gorion, they also wanted to kill me. 2. Some asshole has been putting increasingly large bounties on my head and the sword coast is filled with bounty hunters looking for me. 3. A man named Tazok, has been running a scheme to cripple iron ore trade across the sword coast. He is in cloakwood somewhere but a contact of his is in Beregost. 4. My dreams are filled with an unknown goddess who has granted me a modicum of divine favor. I have my suspicions about who she is (im not an idiot, in fact im actually a genius) 5. I have found myself very good at killing things, people, anything really. I often quite like it. Imoen is the same, but she tries to hide it from me. 6. I am now very rich and getting richer. 7. Some people think I am a hero, must be my cute smile. The two of us decided to lay low for a while down south, Nashkel isn’t that interesting but like, this iron crisis scheme sounds pretty big and I quite like my head to remain on my shoulders: the mine was hard af to clear out ngl and I can’t imagine that whoever was running this scheme will be very happy that we pulled the plug. They are probably sending a whole host of highly trained and deadly assassin-mages after us right now as I write this. We spent some time messing around in the town, everyone here likes us now, people keep trying to buy us drinks and asking if imoen will marry them or their “handsome son”, that sort of thing, I can see it makes her kinda awkward but she is getting used to it. On the other hand NO ONE is asking if I will marry them, not that I would or anything, I am now richer than like this whole town, but it would be nice if someone offered so I could turn them down. Anti-gnome prejudice is a big thing apparently. The only other thing of note was there are some outstanding bounties with the locals. Ngl the thought of more killing was actually making me… well, it was exciting. Idk why, it just is. Anyway, I had a think about my to do list, gorion was always making lists so he didn’t forget to do things and I think he had the right idea. ♥Arwen’s To Do List♥ - Find out who killed gorion
- Kill them
- Get rich
- Get even richer
- Own a huge castle
- Become the most powerful wizard in the world
- Look after Imoen
Oh, and I learned some new spells, nasty ones: ones to make people fall asleep and do anything I tell them to. I like these spells A LOT. Anyway, time to sleep now, This has been a nice day off.
Joined: Oct 2020
I’m enjoying your playthrough, and I don’t ever enjoy anything as a rule.
Are you planning on recruiting any companions or are you going to stick with Arwen and Imoen alone? I dig the dynamic you gave them.
Thanks! I am planning on doing it as a duo for BG1, If I get to BG2 I might pick up a companion for specific quests for role playing purposes e.g. maybe Nalia for Da'rnise keep, Valgar for Planar Sphere (this would also help slow down XP progression without having to mod XP rewards lower). So If I get to SoA that would mean rushing to Spellhold early to save her which I think would fit with the sisters-dynamic im going with. Might set the gold requirement for spellhold higher to justify getting a tad more XP before going since SCS underdark as a low level duo is pretty ouch. Think I might install a couple of Tactics elements too, just for kicks. plans plans plans As a metanote on the above playthrough I forgot how difficult Mulahey can be with SCS-Insane at low level - I coulda used the wand of frost to ice him but I forgot to identify it, whoops. I was reading a walkthrough and laughing because It was like "6 person party grind ankhegs to lvl 5 then do Nashkel." obviously with no SCS installed.
Joined: Oct 2020
Day 13 – Gnoll the Bounty HunterHunting Bounties.Haha, how the tables turn, theres a bounty on me and im hunting bounties on other people. The irony is pretty… ironic. So we had heard that this artist with a bounty might be somewhere around the Nashkel mines. On the one hand, back to the mines, eww, but on the other hand that was only a four hour walk from Nashkel (I CANNOT believe I just said only a four hour walk, I HATE walking.) Anyway, we found the artist, he was completely batty, carving some crap into a rock, but, and here’s the big but, he was using the two massive, huge, enormous, sparkly emeralds for the statues eyes. Hooooly shit. my eyes were as green as well, emeraldsImoen almost tripped over herself trying to get them before some other asshole showed up saying HE was here to claim the bounty – now back off butthead I said and well that didn’t go down well so we had to fight this dude with two swords. But guess what – I am now a baddass bitch and there was nothing this baby bountyhunter could do while blind. And just for good measure I followed up with one of my new divine gifts – a spell that could hold my enemies in place. This shit is hella OP, thanks mystery patron goddess, I owe ya. Look who’s the top bounty hunter on the sword coast now! Hells, at this point they should be hiring me to kill myself heh. As a bonus he had this super nice magic sword. Too big for imoen but it sure looked valuable. Starter Main DesertWe were about to gut the sculptor too when he just upped and keeled over dead. I seriously cannot understand what the hell is going on with people, its like I’m surrounded by utter morons. At least I have two fatass emeralds in my pocket to make me feel better. I don’t think we will be returning these any time soon. What else today, oh, nothing much, almost overwhelmed by gibberings at one point, traipsed around looking for this second bounty, no luck though. Oh yeah, the gnome. That was super weird. So we were up in the high mountains east of the mine, and we run into this gnome, now anyone up here is probably up to no good, but he talked about his dreams. He’d had dreams about me – dreams of blood and death, dreams in which either he died or I did. Obviously that spooked me a bit, but it was clear that he believe this 100% since when I said “like, maybe we shouldn’t be like hanging out together gnome-dude” he kinda flipped and tried to kill me. Nothing new there, but I felt kinda bad killing the only other gnome I’ve seen since leaving Candlekeep. Don’t really know what to make of this encounter tbh,unsettlingOh well, he had some cool gear – including this one scroll which claimed it would protect me from any, literally any magic. Fucked up if true, this one’s a keeper. But I can’t get how sincerely he described his dream, how clearly he believed that the future held nothing but blood.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
In addition to all the funny lines, I really like how you're subtly building up the narrative about being Bhaalspawn. This is the best.
Joined: Oct 2020
I really like how you're subtly building up the narrative about being Bhaalspawn. This is the best. its funny that there are lots of hints all the way through the game but I haven't really paid attention to the plot and plot-hints for years so this is actually a good excuse for me to read every line and really enjoy the build up prior to the bhaalspawn reveal. The meta-story is really well done imo, even if I cringe at some of the individual bits of dialogue which can be so cheesy it hurts.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I really like how you're subtly building up the narrative about being Bhaalspawn. This is the best. its funny that there are lots of hints all the way through the game but I haven't really paid attention to the plot and plot-hints for years so this is actually a good excuse for me to read every line and really enjoy the build up prior to the bhaalspawn reveal. The meta-story is really well done imo, even if I cringe at some of the individual bits of dialogue which can be so cheesy it hurts. Yeah, the tone in Baldur's Gate is kinda all over the place. There's a lot of really silly shit, but also over-the-top dark stuff.
Joined: Dec 2020
i love the easter egg of 3 (cant remember what race of creature) talking about getting paper pen and dice and playing dungeons n dragons