Originally Posted by Kaptin
I find this nitpicking over the small stuff ridiculous I'm myself a big veteran from BG1 + BG2 and I never had issues with how BG3 looked I just missed the day/night cycle which was present in Baldur gate 1 + 2 but otherwise, I liked it. 1 and 2 real-time combat sucked for me and I loved more Xcom turns based combat making you have to plan your moves than just being a god at micro and cheese AI "I think Obsidian should have made that's a completely subjective opinion which won't add anything to the overall debates here on the forum I personally would give Larian chance and criticize them after they reach 1.0 version this game is like 25% finished and people are already making verdicts which I find absurd, because how you can judge game when that said game isn't finished yet? People are complaining about how it's not dark but DnD isn't only about exploring edgy and grimdark dungeons, there are also beautiful parts of Faerun.

I also liked how now dices made more impact on your choices and how everyone now can lockpick and disarm traps so you don't need to spam 100 rogue companions, it's so close to DnD it makes me proud of course I would prefer something like Solasta with better graphics and story but Larian also improved some rules from the original 5e which were not clear or made little sense. There are always going to be a small minority of people with nostalgia glasses who will be upset about Baldur gate 3 not being the same game just with better graphics but that's how it is If the community directs them the right way we will get a good DnD game which everyone can enjoy, making rant topics about why Larian sucks and why CD project or Obsidian would have been better choices won't help them improve our game.

Real time or turn based is a matter of taste. Some players like this more and some like something else.
DnD is turn based per definition and 5E is harder to put in real time than 2E or 3E, at least I have not seen a real time 5E game so far.

So far I have not seen any change of rules that is a clear improvement.
In 5E you do not need a specific class as long as you have most skills covered, for example via backgrounds, and you can use some useful spells.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: