You may call me a TROLL if you want but I never played DOS1 so I can say nothing of it... DOS2 felt rather average to me not bad, but not good.
This is due to I am hardcore Dungeons Dragons fan and not because DOS2 is a bad game.
Well I believe this game is a mix between DOS2 and Dungeons Dragons 5.
It is still Baldurs Gate 3...
However I hope they fix some broken mechanics. I did see a youtube video with someone taking control of 2 Minotaurs and Beholder and have them as party members ... that is way broken probably a bug I hope they fix it.
To judge this game is to early for me. I do like Baldurs Gate 3 much more then DOS2 because it is Dungeons Dragons.
I have played Enchanted Baldurs Gate 1 DD2ndedition, Enchanted Baldurs Gate 2 DD2ndedition, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 that are Dungeons Dragons 3.5 edition.
Neverwinter MMO for more then 2 years until I got bored on that that in Dungeons Dragons 4th edition.
Of all Dungeons Dragons versions the 4th edition was most disliked... and the most confusing rules and less dice rolls.
I am very happy that this is Dungeons Dragons 5. Dungeons Dragons 5 fixes many mistakes with Dungeons Dragons 4. Dungeons Dragons 5 is a bit more simple and closer to older Dungeons Dragons 3.5 then 4th edition ever was.
You may complain, but I like this game. I only hope they fix some bugs and broken mechanics. Oh and I also hope they include more classes and all Players Handbook Cleric domains.
Finally I have played Dungeons Dragons Pen and Paper and I am GURU in some editions of Dungeons Dragons rules.