Originally Posted by AzAthena
Originally Posted by Terminator2020
Cyberpunk 2077 is released tomorrow. Does not matter I am more interested in Baldurs Gate 3. I hope they manage to release full Baldurs Gate 3 towards end of year 2021 though 2022 is possible.

Vampire Bloodlines 2? It is dead for me could not care less. They have laid out key staff and hired a feminist or SJW.

buzz words add little to a conversation. rather than lump them in with some overarching group that instigates debate, stick to things they specifically did or do that don't gel with you.

It might be buzzwords, but considering that a similar thing happened to the Pen&Paper version of Vampires where the writers got axed because they were not sensitive enough and too edgy (For a game which main point is being edgy) it can still be true.