Originally Posted by Blacas
Originally Posted by starlord7
I wish this was made in the style of Pillars of Eternity II but even more refined. Pillars II was so impressive, imagine what a company who actually understands and respects Baldur's Gate would have achieved.

Well, Obsidian would have been an excellent choice and afaik they were willing to develop BG3 10-12 years ago.
However I think POE is not a good model for a BG3 game.
I am a POE hardcore fan and I know where it comes from. A very small budget game made thanks to the fans, for the fans. POE(1) is a true jewel in the gaming industry but it is clearly not appealing to the masses.
For that, imho, you need 1) a more epic ambiance, not so refined, not so finely honed 2) a less intellectual narrative 3) and it greatly pains me to say it, a not so elitist combat system.

Pay attention to Obsidian's plans, let them develop Avowed which may well combine the best of many genres. OP rejoice! Its lore comes from POE.

Absolutely, I love PoE and yet fully agree it would not be a good model for BG3. The whole point of the new mechanics Sawyer developed for PoE was to have it be something very different from D&D/D20 mechanics, which Sawyer has openly stated.

And yes, I am super stocked for Avowed. smile