Originally Posted by asheraa
I really don't understand how people can be crying Broken Promises about BG context for BG3;

A) It's literally set a day or two from BG with a group of people literally making their way TO that place

B) We've only seen the very beginning of the game. Not even the whole opening chapter, we have no idea what connections to the other two BG games we'll see once these *completely new* characters reach BG proper

C) The datamining to date has shown that several key previous BG characters will be not only coming back, but making 'lead cast' impacts on the game world

D) Larian Q&A and updates have explicitly stated that once we reach the start of the next chapter more and more connections to the first BG games will become very apparent and integral to the story of this game

I think people are really forgetting that we are in Early Access, and have NOT been given access to the full game... hell we haven't even been given full access to the FIRST CHAPTER!! We don't have the classes, spells, companions, or story. We don't even know if the companion progression and pacing will remain the same once the full game is live (I'm tempted to say they have allowed us to 'rush through' the companion story so far, so we can get a proper 'teaser' for the 'evil' companions). The pacing of camp instalments feels very sporadic and rushed to me, so I wouldn't be at ALL surprised if the pacing is different and the bugs involving clashing triggers are vastly altered or removed on full release.

I just think we're jumping the gun here, and we should maybe put the game away for a few months if we've burned enough played hours to start picking plot holes in a game that we've barely seen a rough draft for the first chapter of.

Or as hubs told me once when I got on a truly righteous rant about how much I despise ME3:
"I know you adore the series, but if you can't find ANYTHING to comment positively on... maybe you just shouldn't play THIS game in the series".

It's a game guys, it's supposed to be fun. If you hate it, it's not fun.. It's not going to magically be exactly the game you want at this point, it's already been brought and paid for... and seriously the FIRST dev interview with the D&D creators straight up told us what style and mechanics they were aiming for. And we got exactly that, like it or not, it's 5e built on a DOS2 template.
