Joined: Nov 2020
If this is already a thread I apologise just link me to the original one But anyway what are all your thoughts on what's to come in act two and what you hope will be there? Personally I just want a town or something and obviously more companions! As well as having an animal friend at least or finding Us again, really loved having a sentient brain follower 
Joined: Mar 2020
New companions in act 2 would be an awesome suprise since right now I'm convinced we won't get any.
Other than that, I mostly hope we will be able to go back to the act 1 area.
About act 2 itself... I don't know if we'll gain access to Baldur's Gate, I'm not sure we will but it's more than possible. If not, we'll probably get some form of civilization. Hopefully some recognisable places like Baragoset or neeshkal. I would even welcome other landmarks like candlekeep or the friendly arm's inn
Joined: Oct 2020
it does not matter, really. "We" have nothing to say in the matter, the content, will be unavailable for us to test. So, what I hope and wish is irreverent. Since Larian actually don't care about it. They have a plan , and we not part of it. keep your expectation to the lowest. Or be disappointed at full release.
Last edited by Evil_it_Self; 13/12/20 01:53 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Nov 2020
I want a tavern and i want my character to get as much rum and ale as they can muster!
I demand a tavern!
Joined: Apr 2020
So, what I hope and wish is irreverent. Since Larian actually don't care about it. They have a plan , and we not part of it. keep your expectation to the lowest. Or be disappointed at full release.
They do care, as they've shown with the 3 patches released so far. They listen to their fanbase. They do have a plan, and yes we are part of it. We help shape and improve the mechanics and overall gameplay. The story and its content, however, should be left to them. The game is, after all, made by Larian and not ''the people''. You want to control everything from beginning to end? Make your own game. True for the expectation/disapointement. But doesn't it apply to everything? Besides, my bet is that people won't be disapointed, regardless of expectations. That's my opinion.
Joined: Jan 2018
it does not matter, really. "We" have nothing to say in the matter, the content, will be unavailable for us to test. So, what I hope and wish is irreverent. Since Larian actually don't care about it. They have a plan , and we not part of it. keep your expectation to the lowest. Or be disappointed at full release. Careful with that edginess, you’ll poke your eye out. New companions in act 2 would be an awesome suprise since right now I'm convinced we won't get any.
Other than that, I mostly hope we will be able to go back to the act 1 area.
About act 2 itself... I don't know if we'll gain access to Baldur's Gate, I'm not sure we will but it's more than possible. If not, we'll probably get some form of civilization. Hopefully some recognisable places like Baragoset or neeshkal. I would even welcome other landmarks like candlekeep or the friendly arm's inn Why do you want to backtrack? Why would you move on to the next map before you’ve finished exploring the first and why would you return if you have already finished it? I doubt we will see Beregost and especially Nashkel. Maybe Candlekeep.
Joined: Mar 2020
It just makes the world more real. It's not a deal breaker or anything. But it would be nice
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 on being able to travel back to earlier act maps - let the players travel back to finish up some quests they may not have finished or explore areas they may have missed after jumping to the next act. there were some map travel limitations in the original BG games (BG1 for ex. getting back into candlekeep itself or into BG early before progressing the storyline chapters), but unless there is a significant narrative mechanic or rationale, idk why a player shouldnt be allowed to revisit the goblin camp or druid grove using the world map or waypoint system currently implemented.
+1 on also getting more companion choices in the next act (altho hasnt larian intimated that there would be more companions added in act 1 too?), as im somewhat concerned with how larian will implement the companion locks that have been mentioned post act 1 (in particular since it seems that larian isnt going to budge on the 4 v 6 party size debate)
Joined: Nov 2020
I would love the option to go back after being super leveled up and meeting all the people who are alive in the first act, Like "Hey remember me? I was just a simple fighter/mage with not much skills but now I can kick your ass in 2 seconds, also my armour gives me so much charisma that it's making me fall in love with myself"
Joined: Mar 2020
I would also love to skip some tough fights in act one, get like super strong and come back to wipe the floor with them
Joined: Nov 2020
A grand quest for all companions to free them from their infernal curse : the lower abdominal itching of the nine hells.
Joined: Nov 2020
A grand quest for all companions to free them from their infernal curse : the lower abdominal itching of the nine hells. Finger crossed to turn astarion into a true vampire
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm curious how they will construct the narrative in Act 2. What will be our party's motivation to quest together now that the threat seems to be more... dormant? Larian has done a good job in Act 1 tying everything behind the "we need to figure this Tadpole issue out or we'll all die" - Most of the major quests are tied around that (X might be a cure, check it out)
- Your companion/party motivation to travel together and not kill each other is also driven by this
In most RPGs, Act 2 is usually the "open world" act - the one where you're allowed to go around and quest away and explore, with the main plot pushed to the side so you can do this. It's a tough balance to strike - giving the player freedom without completely losing the main plot, all the while giving the player a sense of progress. DOS 2 and BG2 both did a good job with this. BG2 with gathering 20k gold DOS 2 with 3 Source Points. In both cases, the need to explore is justified and the pacing is determined by the player. More importantly, there is a clear sense of progress. If you have 10k gold amassed, you know you are roughly 50% there. Same with the Source points. I mention this because there have been great games IMO that failed to provide this sense of progress, and as a player (especially if you don't metagame), the pace can drag.
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm curious how they will construct the narrative in Act 2. What will be our party's motivation to quest together now that the threat seems to be more... dormant? Larian has done a good job in Act 1 tying everything behind the "we need to figure this Tadpole issue out or we'll all die" - Most of the major quests are tied around that (X might be a cure, check it out)
- Your companion/party motivation to travel together and not kill each other is also driven by this
In most RPGs, Act 2 is usually the "open world" act - the one where you're allowed to go around and quest away and explore, with the main plot pushed to the side so you can do this. It's a tough balance to strike - giving the player freedom without completely losing the main plot, all the while giving the player a sense of progress. DOS 2 and BG2 both did a good job with this. BG2 with gathering 20k gold DOS 2 with 3 Source Points. In both cases, the need to explore is justified and the pacing is determined by the player. More importantly, there is a clear sense of progress. If you have 10k gold amassed, you know you are roughly 50% there. Same with the Source points. I mention this because there have been great games IMO that failed to provide this sense of progress, and as a player (especially if you don't metagame), the pace can drag. I guess group will continue search for a way to remove parasites and this could be locked behind more steps in quest line. Like things we have to do for some factions in game. There are also companion quests, some would be connected deeper into story (like SH's becoming chosen of Shar and Shar is all around absolute shite - they coop or compete).
Joined: Dec 2020
Well I think since act 1 have so many Evil or neutral characters then please also add some good companion characters to act 2 that can join the group.
Oh dont get me wrong I still enjoy Lae'zel and I saved her in act 1...
Nasty monster suggestions: Trolls, Werewolves (and possible other shapeshifters example Wererats in city), Vampires, Some other more nasty undeads Mummy, Wraith nastier undeads then simple skeletons or zombies, Succubus Demon... well not some overpowerful Greater Demon or big Dragon not that kind of monsters.
Because at act 2 we maybe are level 4-7 or 4-8 whatever and lets face it a major Greater Demon or big Dragon would be to powerful for us.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 13/12/20 09:53 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
I'd love to see Beregost again! I am a fan of re-visiting old maps as long as there is a story-line to follow. There are lots of ways to do this: chasing a fugitive, finding a hidden cache, consulting with a town magistrate on the latest threats, etc.
I like having the illusion that the world keeps moving along, whether my PC is there or not. So if we do go back to an area, I hope to see once in a while that a couple things are different and that the people have something new to say. That gives the graphics department a break, but it means more work for the writers, and what writer does not want to have more story to tell?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm hoping for Act II to be along the lines of Athkatla and its environs - one huge city to explore (Baldur's Gate, in this case) with a few smaller settlements and some wilderness areas thrown in. Right now it looks like we'll be resolving, or at least significantly advancing, the personal quests of Astarion, Gale and Shadowheart once we reach BG, plus getting reacquainted with all sorts of people we've already encountered in the game. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm a little worried about how they'll handle a PC who's from the city - are they going to acknowledge that at all? - but I'll just have to wait and see how they handle it.
Joined: Oct 2020
New companions in act 2 would be an awesome suprise since right now I'm convinced we won't get any. Please correct me if I'm wrong - but for some reason, I think that Larian said that our party will be locked after act1? And in case some of our party members leave our group - we could replace them with mercenary. But I'm not 100% sure about it and I can be completely wrong.
Joined: Feb 2018
They have definitely said that at 'some point' in the game, we'll have to choose which ones we want to stay with us... but they haven't (as far as I'm aware) said when in the game that is.
According to the data mining we should be getting at *least* 2-3 more companions but again, not sure at what point and context in the game they will show up.