My first run was with a gith mage simply because this was new to me (and mage because I knew there was a gith warrior in the game). I am currently playing a woodelf ranger (finesse / dual wielder / stealth / sleigh of hand, a strength based ranger is a super option too)...
However I would recommend the warlock. Reason being that with a high charisma score this will likely be your natural candidate for all dialogues. There is a good amount of charisma-based proficiency checks in the game and it's nice to see your own character gaining access to some "options" even if, story-wise, the importance of passing those checks is, imo, over-estimated. My half-elf warlock (great old one) was my best experience despite the limited combat options for a warlock at that level.

Last edited by Blacas; 13/12/20 09:32 PM.