Originally Posted by Topgoon
I'm curious how they will construct the narrative in Act 2. What will be our party's motivation to quest together now that the threat seems to be more... dormant? Larian has done a good job in Act 1 tying everything behind the "we need to figure this Tadpole issue out or we'll all die"

  • Most of the major quests are tied around that (X might be a cure, check it out)
  • Your companion/party motivation to travel together and not kill each other is also driven by this

In most RPGs, Act 2 is usually the "open world" act - the one where you're allowed to go around and quest away and explore, with the main plot pushed to the side so you can do this. It's a tough balance to strike - giving the player freedom without completely losing the main plot, all the while giving the player a sense of progress.

DOS 2 and BG2 both did a good job with this. BG2 with gathering 20k gold DOS 2 with 3 Source Points. In both cases, the need to explore is justified and the pacing is determined by the player. More importantly, there is a clear sense of progress. If you have 10k gold amassed, you know you are roughly 50% there. Same with the Source points.

I mention this because there have been great games IMO that failed to provide this sense of progress, and as a player (especially if you don't metagame), the pace can drag.

I guess group will continue search for a way to remove parasites and this could be locked behind more steps in quest line. Like things we have to do for some factions in game. There are also companion quests, some would be connected deeper into story (like SH's becoming chosen of Shar and Shar is all around absolute shite - they coop or compete).