Day 39 – Deeper into cloakwood

We followed the druid’s instructions, traveling west, for hours and hours (and hours). Right when I thought we couldn’t walk any more we find some randomer just stood in the middle of the forest, no gear, no weapons, no nothing. I shit you not he said his brother had gone off into the woods to fight spiders a week ago and he’s just hanging out, like hoping some fricking adventurers are like gonna come round and save his ass. Not my problem buddy. If Imoen had disappeared in the woods you could bet your ass I would be tracking her down, not begging for help like a chode. Get bent coward (and this is NOT because I don’t like spiders!)

[Linked Image]
wow. Just wow.

Anyway, there were clearly spiders about so we went north as quickly as possible, only we ran into a pack of (well like six) Ettercaps which are these absolutely vile disgusting half-spider half-monkey looking things. I swear to the fucking hells I almost puked just seeing them. We had to hit and run (whoda thought a half spider half monkey would be immune to webs?!), I would use divine power to command (literally COMMAND) them to fall over, then Imoen would fill their prone bodies full of arrows. Plus some traps, Im is good at setting these lethal traps now and because we are smart we had set them up as a contingency. I don’t want to write any more about the ettercaps, hope I never see anything as disgusting ever again. We’ve made it away from the spiderlands and are walking north, still following that druids (vague) instructions. Lets hope he was telling the truth, I mean I paid him (in dead bodies) and all.