I just hope that Act 2 is like twice as long as Act 1.

So far I've clocked way more hours on these forums than I have inside the actual game, which is just kind of sad.

I think they are nerfing their Early Access pretty hard by limiting it to the first Act. Especially with only 6 Classes to choose from right now, and a party limited to just 3 companions at a time. Capping the thing at 2700 xp and second level spells? I really didn't envision my fond memories of BG3 EA to be more about praying for new content patches and reading UI gripes on the development forums, than actually playing the thing. But here I am, alas. Hopefully they just blow me away in Act 2, so I forget all about the early growing pains and sticks in the mud. But right now all I can think about is how I'll probably never even make it to Act 2 if they can't fix the hotbar of doom and start seriously addressing core interface issues like party movement, inventory management, camera controls and the like.