Joined: Mar 2013
well having played OS2, they seem to know their way around quickly escalating scale and the original binding narrative becoming irrelevant.
so i expect somethign simmilar, likewise i expect somethign like Arx. a pretty big city sized act, still lots of combat in alleys and sewers
Joined: Sep 2015
Wild guessing:
act1: party members meet and start to find out whats going on act2: party travels to baldurs gate, you meet at least one medium sized town along the way (could be divided into several acts, the journey is long) act3: baldurs gate (a huge city with tons of stuff to do) act4: back to hell (characters have solved their personal problems and now they ass kick some archdevils or gods)
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Dec 2020
Wild guessing: act1: party members meet and start to find out whats going on Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coastact2: party travels to baldurs gate, you meet at least one medium sized town along the way (could be divided into several acts, the journey is long) act3: baldurs gate (a huge city with tons of stuff to do) act4: back to hell (characters have solved their personal problems and now they ass kick some archdevils or gods) I have enough information to answer this and I disagree with you. I have never liked ultra high levels in any Dungeons Dragons edition even though I played Baldurs Gate 2 which is pretty much about killing big Dragons and other Epic stuff. Here is what you need to understand. Original Baldurs level 1 had level cap 7 levels. Baldurs Gate 1 then got an expansion increasing level cap: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword CoastHowever neither in that adventure did player reach any epic super high level. First things first. Original game is planned to have 3 acts and planned max level roughly is level 10.I f an expansion comes nobody knows how high level that would support, but example increase max level to 15.Basically if you think about 9th level spells (it means highest level not your level which would be with fastest classes that reach that level 17) do not expect to reach that level ever with offical Baldurs Gater 3 launhes that is not known fact at this point at least. Community unofficial mods? I do not know the scope what possible community mods could do or their limitations. I have not a clue about that.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 14/12/20 02:56 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
I hope act 2 has a sewer where you can side with mutants
Joined: Apr 2020
ACT 2 : huge detailed baldurs gate city + lot of side quests in the countryside
Joined: Dec 2020
I hope act 2 has a sewer where you can side with mutants Well mutants? I doubt that unless you count as undead Zombies or something like that or maybe a meteor has fallen and some monster are mutated a Pen and Paper adventure had mutated Wererats. If I remember correctly Pillars of Eternity 1 had that you met with a poweful undead in sewers but instead of attacking you could make a deal to be on then undeads side instead and do some mission that the Undead wanted. I killed the Undead but option to play as Evil fine yes go and implement it. This game probably often gives options play good or evil or neutral. Please note I do not have any information on this. I do not know what will be included in act 2.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 14/12/20 05:10 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
I hope act 2 has a sewer where you can side with mutants Ninja turtles, Laezel would love them.
Joined: May 2019
New companions in act 2 would be an awesome suprise since right now I'm convinced we won't get any.
Other than that, I mostly hope we will be able to go back to the act 1 area. I agree with both these point. New good and likeable companions, but I also don't have any hopes. And being able to go back to previously explored areas and continue to do quests there is definitely on my list of wants too. But ultimately neither of these things nor the many other things I want to see added/changed/fixed in this game have to do with this or that specific Act.
Joined: Nov 2020
I hope act 2 has a sewer where you can side with mutants Ninja turtles, Laezel would love them. Ninja turtles YESSSS!!!!! Everyone would love the ninja turtles, whoever doesnt will be kicked out of the group. Would love to have a fun quest in act 2 that entails a sneaky mission! Such as a party/fancy venture, something like DAI ball quest or skyrims ambassador party! (But more.... fun?) Just really want an lil party scene and a fancy outfit is that too much to ask?
Last edited by A Clown; 15/12/20 12:53 AM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I really don't know how Larian will pull off killing vampire lords, devils and similar creatures before lvl 10. In NWN2 low levels were a drag, you get through them slowly and they suck, its mid to epic levels that were really fun (12-30) because you got to the really interesting and challanging encounters.
Depending on where Larian takes the story, a low level campaign might not be fitting. If we end up meddling in the affairs of the gods or even deciding about their fate, we must be at least lvl 20.
Joined: Nov 2020
I really don't know how Larian will pull off killing vampire lords, devils and similar creatures before lvl 10. By the raw power of friendship how else?
Joined: Dec 2020
I really don't know how Larian will pull off killing vampire lords, devils and similar creatures before lvl 10. By the raw power of friendship how else? Be realistic thank you. A Vampire lord that has lived for hundreds if not say over 1000 years is not some stupid Zombie. A Vampire Lord is likely not alone and has likely vampire allies or other evil allies nearby. I do not want to win a Vampire lord by hey there is those 2 explosive barrels one shot there and it will explode. A Vampire Lord maybe in Act 3, but not Act 2 stuff.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 15/12/20 04:38 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
ACT 2 : huge detailed baldurs gate city + lot of side quests in the countryside Act2 is not a Baldurs Gate City. it will be Act3.
Joined: Jan 2018
ACT 2 : huge detailed baldurs gate city + lot of side quests in the countryside Act2 is not a Baldurs Gate City. it will be Act3. You don’t know that. Not all maps are one act. Act 2 is probably Moonrise Tower and Baldur’s Gate, Act 3 is probably going back to Avernus and maybe another epic location.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Moonrise Towers has been confirmed as the finale of Act 1, I believe.
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Oct 2020
I just hope that Act 2 is like twice as long as Act 1.
So far I've clocked way more hours on these forums than I have inside the actual game, which is just kind of sad.
I think they are nerfing their Early Access pretty hard by limiting it to the first Act. Especially with only 6 Classes to choose from right now, and a party limited to just 3 companions at a time. Capping the thing at 2700 xp and second level spells? I really didn't envision my fond memories of BG3 EA to be more about praying for new content patches and reading UI gripes on the development forums, than actually playing the thing. But here I am, alas. Hopefully they just blow me away in Act 2, so I forget all about the early growing pains and sticks in the mud. But right now all I can think about is how I'll probably never even make it to Act 2 if they can't fix the hotbar of doom and start seriously addressing core interface issues like party movement, inventory management, camera controls and the like.
Joined: Dec 2020
ACT 2 : huge detailed baldurs gate city + lot of side quests in the countryside Act2 is not a Baldurs Gate City. it will be Act3. Well and how would you know that? Where has it been said that? We know max level should be roughly level 10 and that there are 3 acts... unless they release an expansion which of course can add a bit more example max level 15.
Joined: Dec 2020
Moonrise Towers has been confirmed as the finale of Act 1, I believe. No that belongs to Act 2 roughly level 5-6 stuff. At least what someone had mentioned if you google. Perhaps at act 1 we could arrive there but to do it finish it is act 2. Oh and even if we do that it does not mean we could not arrive to Baldurs Gate city. I am not saying we arrive at the city or not. I am saying we do not know that information.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 15/12/20 03:49 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think some thing are going to be there in the second act like the Cretché (Laez'el option for a cure is the only one that doesn't find closure in Act 1), the boots quest, the Nightsong one.
What i would like? As other players already said more companions options, more races, classes and subclasses, maybe a skill reset point (not a big player of D 'n D so i don't know if its possible) because I'd find frustrating to start anew to have a character with some particular new subclass or class (or race).
Candlekeep would be a nice touch.
Also a map to explore, more pets to add to the camp, an active crafting system.
But what I miss most is the chance to have more dialogue lines to add more nuances to a character, specially ironic, witty, humoristic, blatantly stupid, or caustic options (for now we have, neutral answer, gentle ones, and harsh ones. No middle lines, no humour, no irony. I miss this, maybe is because I'm playing The Outer worlds too, but I somehow miss the chance to play an istrionic hero who find irony and humour even when immersed in the blood of slaughtered enemies or in a pinch because they pissed of a powerful character).
Joined: Nov 2020
Would what companions you took with you at the end of EA be the only companions we have?
Say I took astarion, wyll and laezel, would gale and Shadowheart be left behind? Might sound dumb but it's just a panic thought that popped in my head!