Day 63 – Bring the PainSecond stop: Iron Throne HQ. I was so excited, this is to be everything we had worked towards. We trick out way upstairs.
sneaky assault on the big boss houseAnd unleash fiery death upon the top floor. No survivors. My wrath is bottomless. There were dopplegangers here, the Iron Throne is impersonating people. I must not trust anyone. I must not believe anyone. The letters we found implicate Sarevok, and say that the Iron Throne is meeting in Candlekeep. We also found Thaldorn, one of the leaders of the Throne. He didn’t survive the encounter. We also found letters that showed Sarevok is manipulating his father – for what reason we do not know. He is lying, saying that it is confirmed we are Xhents, when he must know well that we are not – that was the forest bandit ploy.
Close encounters of the fiery kindAs far as I understand Sarevok seems to be making a play for leadership of the Iron throne, or perhaps more. I encountered him you know, in candlekeep later on,though he was disguised as as scholar in the keep. He wanted to give me a ring of some sort. I turned it down. With the number of dopplegangers I have encountered my paranoia is reaching astronomical levels. I only realised when I wassat in this cell that it was him. He's trying to play me, but my actions are my own, and soon he will be dead as well.
sarevok – playing his father. I was beginning to suspect there was politics playing a part within the Iron Throne. All the evidence pointed towards a return home, to candlekeep.As we left the Iron Throne Headquarters a member of the Crimson Fists was there to see us to meeting with Duke Eltan himself (looks who’s rising high in the world!). I figured – who better to get on side than one of the Grand Dukes of Baldur’s Gate – He obviously recognised how great I am and since I was currently conducting a killing spress across his city, you know: “friends in high places” and all that. He knew quite a bit already but wen we explained that the Iron throne was behind the Iron crisis (subtle iron references) he had us teleported us straight to Candlekeep (gotta learn that spell), and avoiding an ogre-mage killteam which was waiting for us in the woods inside we went in (invisibility potions ftw). I wanted to go straight for the Iron Throne leadership, bloodlust almost unbearble but Imoen made me visit Gorion’s chambers first. All my theories are confirmed. I am the daughter of a god and a mortal gnome. A child of Bhaal, the lord of murder. I am not surprised, I
am exceptionally good at killing as the swath imoen and I cut across the sword coast these past few weeks should show. But there is a lot to process here. A lot to… think about.
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bad blood indeed. Or else very good blood Relitar and the others who were with him died like all the rest – immolated and zapped to ash. The job is almost done, revenge is almost complete. Now I just had find Sarevok to see this through.
Vengence almost complete – only Sarevok remainedUnfortunately, me an Im were arrested by like the whole of the flaming fists after killing the leaders of the Iron Throne. Murderers apparently (haha, pretty special to be killed by the child of the GOD of Murder – what an honour.) This has all the hallmarks of Sarevok’s ploy to take over the Iron Throne himself, but for what purpous? I am confident that Duke Eltan will free us, else we will break out ourselves – the fools did not confiscate any of my equipment: do they not know I am a powerful mage?