Originally Posted by zyr1987
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Sordak
i think you have a problem with beeing nostalgic.
you call something good when in reality it was annoying.

CRPGs are not known for their realism or their world simulation.

small unconnected maps are fine for stuff like FFT. in CRPGs they ofthen mean loadscreens.

The only way i would enjoy this if it were like NWN2s second expansion that actually had an overland map and as a result gave rangers something to do.
Traveling on a map between small bite sized maps simply so your immersion isnt ruined is ridiculous.

Pay attention you're condescending again wink
Annoying for you is not annoying for everyone and once again... Even if it's not really the thread (there are connections) turn your imagination ON.

In the old games you stayed something like 30min to 1h/maps. I never said that would have been good for BG3. There is a big difference between loading screens every 30min and every 8 hours...

Try to think about something else, I'm sure you can do it wink
Are you spending a half hour on every map, every time? The majority of maps, the majority of the time? Or just the most currently relevant ones some of the time? Because I recall spending mere minutes (if that) on certain maps. Usually those I was just passing through to get elsewhere or just popping in to do some shopping or drop off a quest. Plus the random encounters create at least two loadscreens (one to get into the encounter map, one to get out), and that adds up as well.

I usually clean all the fog of war.
Sometimes it's a few minutes because there are many empty maps... Sometimes it's a lot more.

Loading screens are boring when it's too often... Look at Kingmaker that has many sloooooowww loading screens (even with a good computer).

Non one complaint about loading screen when it's not too often.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 21/12/20 09:12 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus