Originally Posted by TripleKill
Obsidian? as in..

U mean the guys who make NWN the game which teleports ur main character without an error, from 456456 feet away while u were sneaking and puts u in dialogue and in the middle of combat? who are also unable to fix it it seems? oh sorry, its more like swapping your charcter with the one up front actually not even teleport..

Who already never succeeding deliverin a good story?

Whose character designs and dialogues always cheesy to the bone?

Who have really bad kind of voicing ?

Who makes the story telling such linear that you cannot even argue on?

Who utterly failed in implementing any of the spell mechanics properly? (I am not even gonna count them 1by1 but its like at least 2 pages)

Who couldnt manage to code 1 single good caster AI in a game, 10 frigging years later than BG II..there was "no single fight" worth playing in their cannon sequel game.

Who had the worst controls/camera options ever?

No ty, I ll pass
Obsidian is no Black isle, they have some good playable games but thats it. Going back to isometric view with PoE was the best thing they did, at least they did see and accept their limits on that one.

I would rather have some random indy compay who actually tries playing the game they make.

You are trying too hard.
Mask of the Betrayer was great storywise. Tyranny was great gameplaywise and storywise, and New Vegas is excellent all around.
PoE sucks though, no argument there. I'M very happy that Obsidian is NOT doing BG3