Originally Posted by Niara
Hi folks... not an in depth analysis thread or discussion break down today. Something a bit more conversational, with a question to the community.

So, where I am (Australia), this game is almost certainly going to finalise with an adult rating. We have sexual comentary, visible sexual activity on screen, nudity, etc., and while I disagree that sexual content should be rated more harshly than the literal bloody violence that games like this also contain, the world is what it is and ratings boards rate things the way they do - sex, *especially* non-hetero-normative sex - will get your game adult rated far faster than almost any amount of violence torture and gore, for whatever reason... This is beside the point, but it's a background to the question.

In the game, our character models have fully rendered upper bodies. We can shot these off on male characters, but not on female character; it's a sign that the game designers are treating female nipples/breasts as innately sexual in nature, but not males; this is pretty normal, even if I don't agree with it. They are happy to show these assets off specifically in the sexual scenes, but at no other time.

What we don't have is fully detailed lower bodies - by which, yes, I'm referring to the genital situation. In a game that is already going as far as it is, this strikes me as feeling, to be honest, odd. Or, if not odd, then a challenge for my immersion.

I feel, quite strongly, as it turns out, that if the game is already going as far as it is, there isn't any reason for our characters to be only half-detailed, upper but not lower. I'd like options for better looking or better fitting undergarments, and the ability to choose them; I'd like for our models to be complete, since we're already past the rating spike... Hells I'd like the option (and optionally there; players need not look at it if they don't want to. You could even have a ratings switch all the way form explicit, to fade out, to young-teen-friendly) to choose your personal grooming...

This isn't a pervy or a sexual thing, to my mind - it's a thing of character investment and immersion, because I'm left feeling like giving fully detailed and modeled breasts and nipples, specifically for showing off in sex scenes, but at no other time, *is* pervy in a way that just plain having complete models, all over, wouldn't be - it speaks about design focus and intent, in a way that a more thoroughly complete model wouldn't.

I feel as though, this is already a mature game for mature adults, and it will have a rating to say so - going halfway feels off, and a little bit demeaning, I suppose... having one half draws more attention to not having the other, and it makes the lack all the more visible, to me...

So, the question I have is... Am I being weird here? It feels rational and sensible to me, and it's not motivated by perviness or a desire for a lewder game - not at all.... but what do others here think?

Breasts are a secondary sexual characteristic akin to facial hair. If they want to specifically censor breasts, they should have to censor beards. Force Elminster to hide his shame!