Originally Posted by Kadajko
Originally Posted by VeronicaTash
Breasts are a secondary sexual characteristic akin to facial hair. If they want to specifically censor breasts, they should have to censor beards. Force Elminster to hide his shame!

Debatable, from a rational point of view, as functional breasts that can produce milk are crucial for the survival of a young child, and as such crucial for reproduction, unlike beards, as there is nothing else the child can eat other than mothers milk. Ofc I am talking about the natural order of things, nowadays we can synthesize artificial solution in the lab.

Happenstance. All mammals have nipples; only humans have significant breasts. Most likely they replaced the butt as a visual stimulus and unless they are actively engorged with milk there is no reason for them to look any different than male breasts other than that pure aesthetic that was sexually selected as we got upright. The fatty layers do not help nurse children, only the nipple that happens to be upon them. The thing we find so sexual is but just a secondary sexual characteristic.

Originally Posted by spectralhunter
I don't even know why they have excessive blood and nudity to earn the M rating. They could have easily toned it down and made it suitable for a broader audience. PG-13 movies make more money because they don't restrict their audience like R rated movies. Seems games these days want to be more edgier?

My take on non-essentials is, if it doesn't seem like it will enhance the game in some meaningful way, resources can be used elsewhere to improve or polish other systems. I just don't think genitalia is necessary.

Probably because there is some art behind it rather than a machine of pure capitalism without heart and soul.