Originally Posted by VeronicaTash
There is nothing wrong with spellcasting from genetalia nor beating someone to death with it. Just not a DnD thing.

Scanlan Shorthalt would like a word with you...


Sex is NSFW, underwear garments is SFW. People in general I'd say, don't want to have to manually make their gameplay SFW.[/quote]

And yet, the game is already NSFW; unless you think that the explicit sex scenes currently in the game wouldn't get you into trouble at your local palce of business? I was pondering the curiosity primarily because the game has, as far as I can see, already *crossed* the lines that game design usually holds back from for the sake of rating or audience sales... and if they've crossed that line already, then why not make things complete?

Personally, I find an intimate sequence that is comfortable in its choreography, more or less tastefully executed, but relaxed enough that occasional glimpses of the details may occur by happenstance - never the focus, just incidental to the focus of the scene, which ought to be the intimacy between the characters involved (said as distinct from the mechanics of the physical act) - to be far preferable and for more immersive to the experience, than a scene that is painfully and pains-takingly choreographed to avoid showing that particular detail at all costs, while still striving to show as much else as it can (as the current renders are).

That said... I certainly DO acknowledge those people pointing towards the fact that, traditionally, any games that HAVE included fully detailed models have invariably had that fact become something of a joking point... I wish that wasn't the case, and I don't think it NEEDS to be the case; it could be done maturely and tastefully... but getting an audience to accept that even if you do design it that way is a hurdle in itself.

It's not just about the intimate scenes, though again this comes pack to a very specific personal perspective: I mentally role play in games like this, and put my emotive head space into whatever charter I'm playing with, at least to some extent. I do 'unnecessary' things as part of that - such as taking off my armour before I sleep. I wish I could actually get under the cover, rather than lying on top of it. I would like to sit down and go through the motions of an evening meal with my companions, even if it didn't serve a mechanical purpose... so from that angle, having a specific set of universal underwear welded to my character's body at all times is a little off-putting...

I'm glad that some folks have at least found the question worthy of discussion.