Originally Posted by Sordak
i dont hate female dwarves, they can be neat.

But make male characters that are more traditionally masculine.
And not in the Cocky athlete stereotype, make a Bro, someone who has your back. Someone that acts like Men act when they are in trouble together.

And while were at it, some female character that embraces positive feminine qualiites

What are positive feminine qualities?

I am seriously curious what people think, because this is an important subject.

But for instance, lets say you think of Aerie as a "real woman". Her shyness, her vulnerability, her inexperience, these are not feminine attributes (these are attributes a phallocentric mind wants to force unto women, but that is another question). Being a push over is not a girly thing to do. And I know Aerie has an evolution as a female character and grows a spine in Throne of Bhaal, still it is obvious whom the writers were trying to please with her...

I would also argue that Wyll is traditionally masculine. He wants to be a hero, he wants to measure up to a hyper masculine standard. He is action-oriented, he has anger issues, and he has a kinda swagger. He is black though (which is for some people a feminizing quality, see how Obama was feminized by the GOP, despite being quite frankly a manly man).