Originally Posted by Starshine
On Beards though, when I next GM I'm going to declare that dwarf babies get their nutrition from eating their parents beards, so dwarves having big beards is a way of showing off how well they could provide for future dwarflings in a birds building nests to win mates manner. I know it's not what anyone said but it's what I took from Kadajkos comment.

No, you actually got my point exactly right, and if you were to declare that, it would make perfect sense.

Originally Posted by VeronicaTash
Happenstance. All mammals have nipples; only humans have significant breasts. Most likely they replaced the butt as a visual stimulus and unless they are actively engorged with milk there is no reason for them to look any different than male breasts other than that pure aesthetic that was sexually selected as we got upright. The fatty layers do not help nurse children, only the nipple that happens to be upon them. The thing we find so sexual is but just a secondary sexual characteristic.

But I can argue that developed Lobules and Ducts also play a role in how large a breast is, not just fat tissue, also said organs sit in the fat tissue. Males don't have these, or at least they are as developed as clitoris is to penis. I know there are a lot of people that think breasts shouldn't be sexual, but honestly, to me it would make more sense to ask males to cover their chest and nipples too in public places ( and by extension censor in videogames ) rather than to try to desexualize breasts.

Last edited by Kadajko; 23/12/20 12:05 PM.