I am all for a more variegated wardrobe, no matter how hard I try I can not see the wardrobe arguments as a victorian age moralism revised and dressed up with different colors (those of equality respect and so on ) but still moralism.

(And I'd like to highlight the fact that I specified "more variegated" so that a player, not matter of their gender, can choose how to dress it's characters, no matter their gender, also to see more diversity just like in real life you see a full spectrum of dressses from the more covering to the more revealing, I mean Conan the barbarian goes around in a tong and Red Sonia in a bikini, and it fuctions because it's the both of them that are almost naked).

About the OP, I'm not interested in the sex scenes becoming virtual eroticism or soft porn. There are a lot of porn/erotic games that fill that target of customers. Furthermore I don't get the nudity problem in this kind of games, to be more specific: I don't ever understood or understand the taboo about the naked human body, I was annoyed by the "male view" that brought to more and more female nudity but took Netflix to brought open full male nudity, but I don't like the gratuity of nudity, so unless there's a reason to have a full nude I don't feel like there is the need to have one.

In this game that, unlikely how Daggerfall was, doesn't have a vast variegate set of wardrobe that included underwear, tongs and loincloths, that your character could wear under the armor, I don't think there is a need in the character equipment tab to have full naked models.

I remember how weird it was in daggerfall to see the characters be barbie and ken stile with no anatomic realism, but you could decide to have your character (no matter the gender) to go commando under the clothes dressed under the armor or even to put the armor directly on their naked body.

On the secondary sexual characters debate lets make a little clarity: secondary sexual traits is a definition that is not related to the sexual attraction but to the fact that those are anatomic secondary characters that allow to differentiate between the two sexes (the male peacock has its colors and fabulous feathers, the female has a less vivid color, in some species the only secondary sexual trait is the dimension), in the Homo sapiens species secondary sexual traits are the muscular mass and dimensions (males have more muscles and usually are bigger than females), the different tone of voice, the absence of breast in males, the different distribution of body hair (males tend to have more body hair and to loss head hair with the passing of years, females tend to have less body hair and to mantain their head hair among all their life).

Obviously they are involved in the complex games that are needed for coupling, mating, and reproduction but that's not the reason they were defined secondary (and the reason male nipples don't enter in the category: both males and females of H. sapiens have nipples thus this is a character that is not useful to distinguish between the two sexes, while beard is considered one.