Originally Posted by bullse
IMO, anything more than current established party size just makes a game that can already be easily beaten with current established party size a cake walk joke.

This is like asking for a lonewolf mode when the game can already be wrecked with a lone solo character without lonewolf mode......

there are adjustments literally in the Dungeon master guide for adjusting difficulty based on # of party members and knowing larian you'll get your tactical mode of 'totally not gonna savescum every combat encounter' dw dude

also you're talking 100% out of your ass lol, no way you're beating 2 minotaurs with double attack at lvl 5 when you're capped at 4 without barrelmancy or other cheats/exploits when flying solo so go off by all means dude

Last edited by Ianthebea; 24/12/20 02:41 PM.