What is this thread, even?

I understand that some people might prefer the standard, stereotyped character over the full-of-nuances one and that's fine. I agree too, having a stereotyped masculine character could add to the story as much as the other companions do. However, I see absolutely no point in complaining about characters having too much backstory, being too feminine or too masculine. What the hell?
First of all, most characters are gonna have their own issues. You can't write a story with only one dimensional beings, otherwise it feels flat and outright bad. That's just not going to happen. Second, being too masculine or feminine is just a matter of perspective - and in the d&d universe I suppose that also varies a lot depending on one's race. Yes, discussing whether the characters presented so far should me more likeable is absolutely right, even though Larian has already said they have only released the 'bad guys' first, and that their alignment will also change in the course of the story. But my point is that this is a sugestions & feedback subforum and there are some heavy personal nitpickings on this thread. This discussion seems pointless and bait-y.