Originally Posted by Bruh
I'm serious though, I don't want beastiality or anything that is even getting close to that line. I'm sorry but it's just fucked up.

Believe me when I say I can understand you at least for about a 110%.

2020 was the peak-year of degeneracy and I have encountered the Furry topic so often, like in my whole life from before combined.
That fetish has really gone out of control and it really makes me wonder why.

In defense of a fantasy game though... is it a form of "interraciality" when an Elf and a Human get it on?
Or a Tiefling and something else?
To draw a line just because of the low-class trash Furry fetish from our own world, it feels very biased to me.

But yeah I am actually not that interested in it either. When I thought of a Rakshasa-Tiefling, I was not thinking about sexy-time. More about cannibalism-time actually. xD