Many things have already been said, thanks Niara for explaining stuff.

- The PHB says, humans, elvs, half elvs, dwarves and halflings are common races, nothing special. Gnomes, half orks, tieflings and dragonborn are relatively rare compared to the others, but they are still normal people. Most other races would be considered exotic or alien, at least in Fearun. But this is a fantasy world full of magic. I think you could use anything as player race as long as it is humanoid (1 head, 2 arms, can walk on 2 legs) and behaves civilized (wearing clothes, speak common, not acting very aggressive). Though there should be a good explanation or reason when it is very exotic.
Many powerful creatures are able to change their look. Drow may not be liked by surface people in general, but they will let you in when you help them to fight a goblin attack.

- Racism should not be a huge problem in a fantasy world with tons of different races. There can be some very racist people or groups though.

- I think people who know githyanky should be more afraid of them than those who don't.

- I think the main problem is immersion. There is a difference between character knowledge and player knowledge. What would a normal citizen of Baldurs Gate know vs what does the average player know. Not everyone is familiar with DnD lore, especially those who come from D:OS.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: