Hahahaha, very good. I almost never see someone speaking out against it that much. ^_^
Very good! Stand proud - even when its in vain.
Allthough in case of BG3 you have good chances there won't be any "Furry races".
This reminds me of a good old Meme I saw during the day.
https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/089/863/furry.jpg![[Linked Image from i.kym-cdn.com]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/089/863/furry.jpg)
Gave me a good laughter back then.
I think this totally animal trait faces are very disgusting and disturbing too.
"Anthro" are, meh. I dunno. Don't like them, don't hate them.
How far Larian would go with a Rakshasa Tiefling I dunno. Hopefully not far of course.
Cause I am not interested in playing a Furry and only an Anthro at best.
And mainly for the aspect of being an inhuman Tiefling but with another kind of look, just because it might be interesting.
What is fantasy about if not creating someone TRULY different?
One of the reasons I would even like to play as a Cambion with a different starting scenario maybe.
As in -> you are part of the crew storming the bridge and you have to reach and grab onto the Mortal, connecting the transponders!
This is why you are not left behind in the Hells and enter Fae'run for example.
But having Wings ( x3 jumping reach? ) and flying for movement sounds kinda OP.
Or general the concept and problems of everyone trusting you, if you fail to disguise as a Tiefling.

My head is always full of the wierdest scenarios.
It's been so long since Baldurs Gate 2. And hell I have not known how I much I missed Fae'run.