Originally Posted by vometia
Originally Posted by Sordak
Preordering games is bad for the industry.
Guilty as charged. And yeah, I absolutely agree, it's the gaming equivalent of buying unseen. I'd often do it to get the collectors' edition but was badly burnt by that when I bought Dragon Age Inquisition's CE which was crap: shoddy, broken and falling apart and only bore a passing resemblance to the "concept art" of what we were supposed to expect. Any other industry would be hauled over the coals for misleading advertising.

In hindsight it was probably worth it for the rather nice set of tarot cards which were soon being passed around on Fleabay for more than the cost of the CE itself but it taught me to be more cautious in future.

Well now wait a minute here isn't that basically what we did when we bought the EA of BG 3? Most of the game is as of yet unfinished at all yet we paid the full price for it. Heck we don't even know if there will truly be an update come January and if that will contain more gameplay or just bug fixes or both? I'm hoping it's both and they finally get around to fixing the Feat and weapons bugs