The problem with tieflings is also that they were never supposed to be a cohesive race or ethnicity.
Human bloodlines with some fiendish heritage in them sometimes produce tieflings here and there. It was never supposed to be 100%, and tieflings never had a uniform appearance either. They were weirdoes and outcasts, which was the entire point of their race. But now they have their own community, they are uniform and they are a "marginalized group" now.
It's cringe. And you know what's funny? We are not even going to get Aasimar in the base game, because they are almost universally liked and accepted by humans. It's almost like they are catering to a certain kind of people in wider society.

Also why did the tieflings have to become this oppressed group? Half-orcs would have made much more sense, because you can consistently produce half orcs, but not all babies of cambions and humans lead to tieflings. Also, you can never have a half orc baby randomly pop up in your bloodline, but you can have a tiefling baby happen, meaning that tieflings were pretty much supposed to be a subrace of humans.

I hate how awfully whitewashed D&D 5E is when it comes to race, it's just catering and cosmetics.

Last edited by Bruh; 30/12/20 08:23 PM.