Originally Posted by Bruh
I agree. I dont want bestiality.
And yes having sex with a feline humanoid is bestiality, I dont care how anyone disagrees about that. Same with lizardfolk, same with any and all beastraces.

But where do people draw the line? wink
You have to be specific or the madness will never stop! grin
For example -> are Humans not just a form of Ape/Monkey and therefore WE TOO ARE JUST BESTIALITY? ^_^

See? You need to be super accurate! Or else...! ;->

I have accepted Anthro's pretty easily. As long as the face is humanoid in structure, its not a "beast" for me.

° Kobolds
° Tabaxi
° Dragonborn
^ THEY TOTALLY ARE and its disgusting for me. Those type of heads DO NOT belong onto a Humanoid body. That is an afront against Humans!

Where is my armband? °tuccs on°
It is time to defend the honor of our humanoid blood! grin
And allthough I write this with sarcasm, I am not ironic in my rejection of Furryism!! ^^