Originally Posted by CJMPinger
I respectfully disagree with the notion of romancing humanoid creatures that are fully sentient and therefor able to consent being beastiality, but I understand other players discomfort with it. But I still think if they add them, they should have valid romance opportunities because in setting they are in fact sentient races that can fully consent and therefor would be treated like a human in relationships.
Just not force the content on players, so that players do not have to expose themselves to it. But this is coming from the perspective of a Furry, but also someone who hates actual beastiality with a passion cause it is essentially rape. So I may be skewed in perspective cause I see anthro stuff as entirely fictional and fine as they depend on a consenting individual that is humanoid, hence the anthro in anthro.

This is the first time I ever saw a respectable post coming from a pro-Furry identifying person.
In a videogame forum! x'D Hahahahahahahha!

Bestiality is rape huh? Well - I dunno about that.
I never really cared about that topic since it just disgusts me in general.
But even I came across some °cough° ... videos while I was so bored that I was actually searching for porn videos in the internet.

And before I could stop or click the video away, I couldn't unsee anymore what I have already seen. (x_x)
So I ask in this manner: " If a dog has a really good time fucking a Woman who also wants this, is it really rape? "
Maaaan how did we got here? grin
Huhuhuhu. ^^

Well for me the "consent" part of a "real Furry Humanoid" would not be important.
If it has the 100% head of a Beast, even if everything below the neck is super hot, I would not want to tap this.
This is just too wierd for me.
And even I watched Lionking as a kid. The thing which I suspect started it all.

But I guess I can respect Furryism people who value consent and spirit more over the outer apperance. And only those.