Originally Posted by CJMPinger
I respectfully disagree with the notion of romancing humanoid creatures that are fully sentient and therefor able to consent being beastiality, but I understand other players discomfort with it. But I still think if they add them, they should have valid romance opportunities because in setting they are in fact sentient races that can fully consent and therefor would be treated like a human in relationships. Just not force the content on players, so that players do not have to expose themselves to it. But this is coming from the perspective of a Furry, but also someone who hates actual beastiality with a passion cause it is essentially rape. So I may be skewed in perspective cause I see anthro stuff as entirely fictional and fine as they depend on a consenting individual that is humanoid, hence the anthro in anthro.

Yes! Exactly! It's not fucking beastiality, ffs. They are sentient humanoids that communicate with humanoid languages, what the fuck. People are so god damn ridiculous with their moral hypocrisy sometimes. I say hypocrisy because all those morons yelling about how horrible beastiality is never give a damn about any other aspect about how animals are abused in any other context, particularly not if they draw advantage from their suffering and death. People are scum.

And ANY romance option is just that, AN OPTION. You don't wanna have sex with anthropomorphic lizards? THEN DON'T. Jesus. -_-