Originally Posted by grysqrl
Originally Posted by Bruh
They are not humanoids they are called a BEAST race for a reason

I'm not aware of any of these things being called a beast race. If you're going to make claims like this, you should probably provide some evidence.

On the other hand
  • Centaurs, you should probably stay away from, as they are monstrosities; and
  • Dryads, you might be into, but they are fey and so not an option. Sorry.

And here are a bunch of things that actually are beasts.

Also, fun fact: humans are animals!
Also, also: we are talking about an imaginary world - there are going to be lots of things that don't map neatly onto things that exist in this world.

Cringe. Only because you call something a name doesnt mean its true. Those things are animals, stop trying to justify your beastiality. No humans are not animals, wtf is wrong with you.
Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Originally Posted by Bruh
Yes, it is bestiality, you will not push this shit down my throat. They are not humanoids they are called a BEAST race for a reason, stop your goalpost-moving.

It isn't goalpost moving. It is the definition of bestiality you're disagreeing with. "Sexual intercourse between a person and an animal".

Unfortunately humans are also animals. So how do we define what it means to be a person? Most people point to sapience. And Tabaxi, lizardfolk, kenku, etc. are all as provably sapient as human beings are. Even within the lore of Forgotten Realms these "beast races" are not classified as literal beasts, but as humanoids. The same as every other playable race in the game.

You can find it gross if you want, but trying to draw a moral line on this subject is pretty ridiculous.

IT IS goalpost moving because you take an animal and you move it into "well its not akshuallyyy an animal you see its actually a humanoid". As if monkeys were not humanoids, its still wrong to have sex with them. And its not just disgust, this is plain flat out fucking wrong and you should be put in a jail if you do it.

Fuck! You people make me wish for a hardcore religious revival globally, why can't you just rein in your disgusting filth? Why does it have to be public policy that people have to put up with your freaky sex-stuff? And I'm saying this as a gay person!
And don't even come to me with your long winded "arguments" I will never accept any form of bestiality and the world shouldn't either! And yes, wanting to fuck humanoid animals is bestiality, end of story!