Originally Posted by JustAnotherBaldu
Only true on a basis of agreed normality. We as Humans are not even able to truly percieve our world around it.
° We know air, bacteria or wind exists, but we cannot see those things.
° We do not know what is inside our owns worlds oceans appart from echolon images but even those cannot reliably send the form of underwater life back to us.
° We do not even know what other people are truly thinking. Not even our dearest love one's.
We are just "expecting" the world to be in certain ways.
To behave in certain ways. But we dont know what it will actually be!
All of our wisdom is based on experiences in a world that has only "something" resembling a form of reliable continuity.
Wisdom safed in a wierd biological hardware called the brain...
... recorded down in a form of memory that corrodes over time.

And memory is often recorded more epic, beautiful or impressive as the actual thing was.
Just watch a few Movies from your childhood again and you will notice EXTREM differences in sensation.
But maybe it was just you that has changed and not the world.
" After all... what 'is' real... when our own mind's cannot be trusted? " - N'zoth

Reality, pfffffffffffff - a form of collectively agreed upon expectation of outcomes during our daily lives.
Nothing more nothing less.
How far we get from demanding another sexy race. O_o

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown