I just wanted to illustrate for a little how wierd the thought actually is that I, you, or anyone in general can even truly percieve the world around us.
Was not even my intention to go suddenly all "deep" and stuff. grin

Another very simple example would be that...
° We don't even know what is in front of our very own door. The main house entrance door.

In a simple anticipation of what "might be" the most natural conclusion, we expect nothing to be in front of it.
No guest, no burglar, no mailman - nothing.
And before that takes on Schroedingers box levels of depth let me say

" Reality is just the thing you accepted in your most trusted beliefs about this physical world, to become true and await you around the next corner" , when in fact it does not have to be.

Kinda scary yet useless to fear it at the same time.
The fact that we will never truly know anything about our world and that we cannot truly percieve its "real" form.
Just how a cockroach does not understand the concept of Milk and Cheese but stumbles upon it by accident and never knows where it came from, how, or why. wink
As Humans we just have the previlige to have the most layers of creative thinking about our existence.

But yeah what does that have to do with a Furry race I know right? grin

Ah yeah -> if they are something "realistic" and legitimate probably.
I dunno. All I know is that I won't play one cause no interest.