Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Originally Posted by Bruh
IT IS goalpost moving because you take an animal and you move it into "well its not akshuallyyy an animal you see its actually a humanoid".

You don't seem to understand the term "moving the goalposts" so I'll help you out here.

When someone is "moving the goalposts" it means that they made a specific argument and when that argument was refuted they moved the arguing to something not yet proven wrong as if they hadn't been proven wrong.

Your argument: Sex with beast folk is bestiality because the word beast is used.

Their argument: Beast folk are not literally beasts because they are not defined as such by the game world or rules.

The other people in this thread never moved the goalpost of their argument. They are just making a counter-argument to your point that disagrees with the premise you reached.

I disagree with your definition and I will stick to mine.
Beastfolk are beasts and having sex with them is bestiality. DoN't care about your bullcrap goalpostmoving.