Originally Posted by spectralhunter
Originally Posted by fallenj
I don't see how you guys can think this is a high level campaign. Basic enemies off the top of my head are Imps, goblins, humans, skeletons, gnolls, & spiders. None of those scream level 5 or higher...ever

You forgot phase spiders, the matriarch, hag, redcaps, bulette, minotaurs could all be considered level 5 and up. The only reason they can be destroyed fairly easily is due to Larian combat.

In a straight up 5e ruleset fight, some of those encounters would be very challenging at levels 1-4.

Those are in small numbers so a single or couple in one encounter would be considered low, while a large number of weaker creatures would equal that same encounter. (I couldn't remember the name for redcaps though, thanks) So again the campaign does not seem high end at the moment.

On a side note, you can hit level 4 before even doing the swamp, underdark, or whatever is passed the gith on the road, I actually haven't done any of those areas at all yet.

Last edited by fallenj; 01/01/21 04:45 AM.