Joined: Dec 2020
Ah when people point it out that Halfelf look more like Elf. Perhaps an easy solution would be that developers change so Half Elf models are Elf and Elf models are Half-Elf....
Oh yes though I have enjoyed Goldberry suggestions in this thread I want to keep fairly realistic. I am not saying we could not do what Goldberry wants. I simply pointed out a doable more say easy change. I really like your Elf pictures Goldberry.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 08/12/20 05:33 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I disagree. I play a Half elf and they look pretty damn human-esque. The pure elves are easy to tell apart as all their features are more elongated. Half-elves practically look human with slight elven angularity, ears and eyes. The half elves don't all look alike either, that's just one preset, and you chose literally the youngest looking preset of them all for the arguement. ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/PeFtpbf.png) I'm pretty sure I already said it all summarised as 'You can make better looking characters in Oblivion'.
Because the point is that by current standards, Oblivion actually had very atrocious character models and it didn't age well at all, yet somehow BG3 manages to still be worse in 2020.
The small pick of default faces pretty much all look the same. Select a beard then switch through each face and you can barely see any difference at all. They are not sufficient to meet each player's choices or desires in how they want their character to look.
A fully customisable character creation engine like in Oblivion and Skyrim should pretty much be a mandatory requirement for new AAA RPGs. Sorry, but you can't be serious. There's not a single Elder Scrolls game or Bethesda game in general where you can create an actually good looking NON-nord character without mods. This character creator is miles above ANYTHING in a vanilla Bethesda game. They have the WORST character models in gaming. You could not even create an imperial or breton character in Skyrim without them looking inbred. Of the human presets, only one Nord one came close to looking anything like a normal human. So if you wanted an aesthetic male in Skyrim, you had to play as the one nord preset. There's a reason countless preset overhaul mods exist for skyrim. Almost no one likes their take on character models. All the human race presets in Skyrim were absolutely horrble, and the elves were so awful looking you didn't want to play one. Oblivion was even worse with those potato heads. In this game I actually would not mind playing an elf/half-elf n actual fact the Half elf looks better than the Humans. As for your small selection complaint. Say it with me. EARLY ACCESS
Last edited by Vallis; 04/01/21 02:58 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
...I literally only play Bretons and Imperials in Skyrim because they are the only good looking humans...
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Dec 2020
...I literally only play Bretons and Imperials in Skyrim because they are the only good looking humans... ......What?!?! they were the worst. Bretons all looked 60+ or inbred and Imperials deformed in vanilla. Nords and Redguard legit were the only normal looking humans, and even they had only a few decent presets to choose, mainly the first 3. ![[Linked Image from images.saymedia-content.com]](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0NDU1ODAxMDA2ODU5NjI0/skyrimthebestrace.jpg) Nords being the most aesthetic, is probably why so many follower mods including the ones that are supposed to be other humans races, use the nord models Anyway i''m good on the elven models currently. I'd rather elves look human-like rather than the balding goblins they looked like in Skyrim. So hideous that nobody wanted to play one. I often found the pompous attitudes of elves especially the high ones in Skyrim laughable since they all looked objectively worse than humans and not at all superior lol. They all looked more goblin-esque than the actual orc race, eyes sickly etc and if you managed to become a vampire elf in skyrim? Dear god in heaven. ![[Linked Image from i.ytimg.com]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lAt7TyERenk/maxresdefault.jpg) I think part of this change is due to feedback from Divinity. Vanilla elves in Divinity were not so great. The males only had like 2 decent presets.
Last edited by Vallis; 04/01/21 02:43 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
and drow males still only have one normal young face. why devs like to add only old faces for male characters...
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Dec 2020
and drow males still only have one normal young face. why devs like to add only old faces for male characters... Because old guys are hawt  Yes, I'm serious.
Joined: Oct 2020
and drow males still only have one normal young face. why devs like to add only old faces for male characters... Because old guys are hawt  Yes, I'm serious. Only if they look like Astarion.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: May 2016
and drow males still only have one normal young face. why devs like to add only old faces for male characters... Because sexism, female faces have to look good, male faces don't.
Last edited by Kadajko; 05/01/21 01:59 AM.
Joined: Dec 2020
Its kind of weird for elves to look old.. Aalso agree with op elves dont look very elven. Not terrible but this is baldurs gate ok isnt good enough.
I... live! Flesh and blood and bone! I am alive! Ha-ha! I swore I would scratch and crawl my way back into the world of the living... and I have done it!
Joined: Dec 2020
Does everything have to be about sexism? Frankly, I find the majority of faces in character creation ugly regardless of race or sex save for maybe a couple here and there. They should consider adding more faces, sliders or maybe the ability to swap parts (eye 12 with nose 7 for example) so that there are less complaints. The faces they included are average joes, so its to be expected they're not going to look drop dead gorgeous or anything.
Last edited by Talking Skull; 05/01/21 07:51 PM.
Joined: May 2016
Does everything have to be about sexism? No, not at all, but this aspect consistently is, how many old elven female faces are there compared to males?
Joined: Jan 2021
Does everything have to be about sexism? Of course; the holier than thou social justice warriors are everywhere, after all.
Joined: Feb 2020
I disagree. I play a Half elf and they look pretty damn human-esque. The pure elves are easy to tell apart as all their features are more elongated. Half-elves practically look human with slight elven angularity, ears and eyes. The half elves don't all look alike either, that's just one preset, and you chose literally the youngest looking preset of them all for the arguement. I was lazy to take a screenshot of all the faces. While it is true that I picked the youngest looking one, I still think that all of the half elven heads are better than all of the elven heads. More delicate and attractive. You are right that half elves look pretty damn human-esque though. The point here is that... So do full blooded elves, actually.
Last edited by Goldberry; 06/01/21 03:07 AM.
Joined: May 2016
Of course; the holier than thou social justice warriors are everywhere, after all. It's not about holier than thou, this is about me not getting what I want. I don't really care about politics behind these choices, I just don't like the fact that I am locked out of multiple races when it comes to playing male characters, because I like to play characters that look good, and it is impossible to create a good looking male character ( for my taste) with the current CC options on some races. Mods often fix these problems however,so I'm not too worried. That said, there was a question: why devs like to add only old faces for male characters... Answer to the question ''why'' is undeniably sexism, to me it's obvious. If you think the reason is different, I am all ears.
Last edited by Kadajko; 06/01/21 11:04 AM.
Joined: Jan 2021
ok, since this topic is open about "sexist" .. let's go! I made a "dude - uh uh" and somehow I got a glitch which prove my point even better. But here is the context, from my perspective. I was a bit offended about why when you put the Githyanki's armour on a female, she shows up like in short pants (you can even see butt cheeks if you zoom in) but when you put that same armour on a "dude" the guy is fully padded from toe to neck. My first reaction was, ah dudes are always on their knees and needs padding perhaps or some help ? :- ). Game developers are always making the female sexy, as if we will chase monsters in high heels or wearing skirts and sexy dress... while the males are always fully padded. (Im really thinking they need padding so they don't hurt them self .. by them self, that's the only rational I came up with). So to counter this, I made this "sexy dude" (based on Rollo from the Vicking cuz he's hot) and used that Nightsong" mod from nexus and make it top less. But the #@$#$ mod has a glitch ONLY with male, how convenient. The same "pants - only" works great on female (shadowheart) of course, but look on my male: ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/zv7oSgQ.png) How's that o.O anyway .. can't stop the dev "male" fantasy I guess .. -S
Last edited by Starlights; 08/01/21 04:06 AM.
Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a bit, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Joined: Feb 2020
Actually, you guys are going a little too off-topic now. I don't mind a little bit of divertion but that's not what we are going for here 
Last edited by Goldberry; 08/01/21 06:48 AM.
Joined: May 2016
Actually, you guys are going a little too off-topic now. I don't mind a little bit of divertion but that's not what we are going for here  Hippity hoppity, your thread is now our sexism discussion property. On a more serious note though, it is midly related to your topic, if you look at your own male face side by side example comparrison you will see that you did not pick that one by accident. If you were to use female faces it would be harder to see if not impossible.
Last edited by Kadajko; 08/01/21 11:01 AM.
Joined: Jan 2021
Originally Posted by Goldberry Actually, you guys are going a little too off-topic now. Well, comparing photos between genders will inevitably bring something sexist along the way and that's how I felt invited to come n' chipping in. Originally Posted by Goldberry I still think that all of the half elven heads are better than all of the elven heads. Perhaps it respect some universal rules about beauty, mixte-race "generally" has a better percentage for beauty. That was established by Darwin, though the study is a bit more complex than that. Nonetheless, female characters seems to be design to attracts the boys & the lunatics with false belief that 80% of gamers are boys .. and the few of us girls, (according to that false assumption) we get the last pic in the bag of faces for male characters IF we want the equivalent. That, perhaps, is a sign that there's a need for more female game developers. If we had more female dev, there would be more equity between genders and to the point, between races - that's quite an assumption I'm making here. So basically, once again, with the example about the Githyanki's armour, it would have the same look on a female character or male character - either we see the butt cheek for both male/female or both are fully padded or adjusted the same way. (I don't like the fully padded, neither the "butt cheek" version, I would adjusted so it's not that "sexy" and it's not that big either). -S
Last edited by Starlights; 08/01/21 01:36 PM.
Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a bit, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Joined: Oct 2020
That, perhaps, is a sign that there's a need for more female game developers.
-S As a girl who love games, this is a very scary thought for me during modern social movements. This can completely disfigure the design of women's armor, make it look like squalor for nuns. You know, I don't have anything against "bra armor", I guess I just want something similar for men. Fanservice for women! But in fact, women developers can give you a completely reverse thing, unfortunately. Because now everyone is talking about "sexualization", about how bad it is and blablabla. But this is a game, I want things to look cool, hot, stylish. I don't even want to think about stupid realism. I bet there are enough womens in Bioware, both among designers and developers, and looks like it does not help them...
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I want games to service me, which means less bra and thong armour for both men and women.
And that is why the game developing business needs more clones of me in it.
Optimistically Apocalyptic