I think this is a problem we might have to live with. While I absolutely support the idea of the scenario of the camp changing locations depending on where we rest, think it's more immersive & etc etc, the camp is also implied to be a fixed place. By that I mean that the it has tents, chests, tables, everything that makes it kinda like a "base" for our group. If the camp scenario changed all the time, implying we're always moving places, it also wouldn't make much sense for us to tell NPCs to meet us at our camp, how could they possibly find it? Carrying around heavy chests and tables wouldn't make much sense either. I don't know. I truly get it, it feels weird to be in the middle of the underdark and rest on the forest, but I guess we might have to brush it off as portals n stuff. Unless Larian comes up with a plausible explanation.