I too would like there to be different camps, at least for major changes in regionry. I'm pretty sure there will be new camps in different chapters -- if I remember correctly they actually said as much in interviews or reveals of whatever -- but I would like it for different areas in the same chapter too.

Like for example the Underdark. It makes so sense that they return up to the surface each night to rest. The Underdark is supposed to be a fair length underground. The characters even comment on this when you enter from the stairway. And yet we just skip back up for the night like nothing? It implies the Underdark is the kind of place you can visit for a day trip, not the kind of dangerous, inhospitable place they should want it to evoke.

Originally Posted by Zarna
A minor irritation with camp is that I really would like to rearrange everything. All the bedrolls in the open like they are, especially with a perfectly good ruin nearby just makes me cringe.

Yes, dear lord, so much this! I want to move into the ruin so much!

Originally Posted by A_va
If the camp scenario changed all the time, implying we're always moving places, it also wouldn't make much sense for us to tell NPCs to meet us at our camp, how could they possibly find it?

I think we could still have a "main" camp and then still have "smaller" camps available when appropriate. Right now I don't think you meet anyone in the Underdark that you can send to camp, for example, you only tell that to people on the surface. So having the camp be the camp for the entire surface could be a thing, and all the camp NPCs hang out there, and don't follow you to the Underdark camp.

Honestly the Underdark camp doesn't even need to be a separate map from the adventure map. Just have Long Rests take place in the Selunite Ruins while you're there -- that's the perfect place for it.

We could even get special Underdark-related dialogues/interactions with our companions if we rest down there or something.

Optimistically Apocalyptic