Originally Posted by DragonSnooz
changing stances and then say they didn't do that
While you again mention that I changed my stance, you again did not point out what I posted that contradict my original post. Only thing I did was explain in more details as a reply to questions - but even without those my original proposal is more detailed than many other proposals on this forum. Although some people who did not like idea seem not to even read those explanations.

Originally Posted by DragonSnooz
If you're really asking to always hit the expected amount each time, guess what? The more time you spend in the game the more often you will meet that.
What I'm asking is visible in your next statement: fewer misses. And this statement about getting what I asked or suggested by "playing more" is patently incorrect.

Originally Posted by DragonSnooz
You're asking for an alternative game mode where you will see fewer misses but no actually change to gameplay. Literally asking them to do work for no real change to the gameplay.
I'm not sure if it is even useful replying to this statement, since you seem to intentionally misunderstand most of what I post. But anyway, here it goes:
Reducing misses IS significant change to "gameplay" - large enough to stop alienating some players from BG3. My proposal avoid change to "total damage" - so it does not require game rebalance.
Therefore that "work for no real change" is clearly not correct - and anyone who read these posts would know that, which brings me back to "not sure if there is point in replying".

Lastly, to mention once more, my suggestion is an option that would be disabled by default - so only people who do find misses annoying could turn it on, and it would make their gameplay much more enjoyable. For all the others, it would really be "no change to gameplay" .

Last edited by gmnenad; 24/01/21 11:26 AM.