Originally Posted by Dexai
Remove humans? Why would you want to remove the most interesting race?

Originally Posted by RatPackGamer
Definitely interested in playing the goblinoids!
Several other monster races as well.

Originally Posted by DiDiDi
Originally Posted by Scribe
Goblins already have models, so I would think they could be implemented pretty quick.
No, not in an immersive and believable way. You would have to change most dialogues, many quests (tieflings not letting you in at all...) etc.

Dream on, dreamers. I would be pleasantly surprised if even the non-mainstream races present in PHB are implemented well in this regard (except Drow maybe - fan service and thus money dictates Drow must be handled well).

While I personally think it's unlikely we see goblinoid playable characters I'm going to hard disagree with your assessment here. There are many interesting and creative ways to get around the stigma of a racial choice. Persuasion checks, Disguise Self, Charm Person. Letting other party members take point during certain interactions.

And all of these would require even more changes to dialogue or additional dialogue.

You understand that's part and parcel of game development and this type of game? It's all dialogue trees...This already exists with humans, dwarves, elves, drow...