Hello there, once again. smile
Im just here from my last gameplay, where i run into really tough figt with Githyanki patrol ... i admit that it was completely my fault, go to fight with them with no spell slots, and only one companion ... well, certainly not best idea i ever had. laugh


As i quick loaded as crazy ... yes i admit, that was freaking savescuming, since my last autosave was around an hour back, and i kinda didnt want to scrap it ... so i loaded over, and over, and over ... wit every final death ... often just to see the same guy that killed me with single strike last time, to do exactly the same this time.
But then sudently it came to me, what about if there was a possibility to "replay last round" when your whole party dies.

You know quick loads arent exactly "quick" in this case ... since we can use them litteraly in any situation, game needs reload whole world setting, wich takes quite some time. (Or at least it seems to me that way ...)
But if there was some "last round" save at start of every round ... all the game need to adjust, when loaded, is placement of all characters, any possibly some spellslots ... everything else is the same, wich could really improve loading speed in such situations.

So ... what do you think?

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 26/01/21 11:05 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown