Originally Posted by JustAnotherBaldu
I don't know what kind of things the code predicts for a hit or a miss.
But it is very frustrating indeed when an attack misses entirely.

I would rather have it that hitchance is like...

80% hitchance = 80% of the damage your weapon or spell does
50% hitchance = ^ only 50% of it ^
Along with a shown value of dmg right altogether so that you know with which groupmember it is the most "dmg-productive" value to probably kill an enemy.

" Ooooo that so not D&D-like. "

Yeah who cares? I certainly don't.
I wish I could choose between this game mode and the "original one" that I find much more annoying.
This complete-miss joke became old really fast.
And it didn't aged well.
I kinda like that.
Certainly sounds like at least good material for mod.

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 27/01/21 09:31 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown