Originally Posted by Ayvah
Originally Posted by TheFoxWhisperer
Most of the time with exotic races, they feel like a crutch for writing, to make them seem special and awesome while without the exotic race bit, they would be dull and uninteresting. The exotic race is their gimmick/identity.
So your complaint about nonhumans is that they're boring because they're often badly written.

I have a suggestion... What if... What if we had nonhumans who are well written?

Again, I feel like humans encourage lazy storytelling. There's the cliche that humans can do basically anything while other specieis are limited to "their thing", and I think that ditching humans would force you to put more effort into developing the members of other species a bit more.

I would not call it a complaint, just a general opinion and experience I have had with humans vs exotic races. If people want to play exotic races, I am not going to complain about it or try and ruin their fun, but I do have an opinion about it.

I do think the opposite, exotic races encourage lazy storytelling. I have seen this happen, where the exotic race itself is the gimmick and crutch for the writing. When it comes to the lore in FR, the other non-human races ARE very well developed. Just the writing and development of the actual characters that are part of this race is lacking. (And often ignored, because the special race is the gimmick used by many already so they do not feel a need to develop further)

Last edited by TheFoxWhisperer; 27/01/21 10:58 AM.