Well fortunately I said easier, not easy, and I didn't say humans aren't interesting. You're the one saying people that prefer to play other races are immature. I'm just trying to highlight why I and others like playing fantasy races.
Well fortunately I said easy, so are you trying to make the point that 95% of the workload is less than 100%? You don't have to. It is self evident.
(Edit: Having given your post some more thought, I'm not sure the two ideologies "race of a character is irrelevant to a character's interestingtude (which I agree with" and 'Humans are more interesting)' are *entirely compatible.
They are entirely compatible -- strip away a character's race, and what are you left with? A human.
If we agree that various races represent aspects of humanity, that's great, but that doesn't mean a fantasy race represents only a fraction of humanity as a whole and is therefore less interesting. Especially since just because a person may play a Human, it doesn't mean they are representative of all of humanity. One human does not necessarily represent all aspects of humanity at all times. A goblin can feel love, loss, wealth, poverty, family, etc. Depends on the writing.
Well fortunately I said humanity, not one human. You and me, arguing on the internet? Completely uninteresting. The entirety of humanity? Near infinitely interesting. A representative of a fraction of humanity? Much less interesting. I guess I'm making the point that 95% is less than 100%. That should be self-evident.
Subjectively finding humans more interesting is fine, more power to you, but that doesn't mean people who prefer playing other races are wrong [snip] to want to play those options.)
And that there is a strawman argument. I never said anything of the sort.