I kind of disagree, Fox,

Yes, inherent Good and Evil (capital letters) are things in the FR world space, and much is definitely governed by that truth... but people are people, and those inherent goods and evils only exist as beings that have it in their nature and don't have a choice in that matter. For everyone else, all the moral greyness of any other world is right there and absolutely exists. I've never played a D&D game where moral quandaries and grey decisions did not make up many important parts of the roleplay process. I don't think it's accurate to describe the realms as simple black and white just because the two extremes are tangibly existent. Even the mortal races that are listed as fundamentally evil (kobolds, goblins, etc.,), their actual descriptions make clear that this is based at a general and societal level, and that individual creatures are quite capable of being otherwise in the right conditions.

The realms often depict black and white situations, yes, but they have always carried with them a mountain of grey in between (well... from 3d edition at least, I'm less familiar with anything before that).