Originally Posted by Dexai
Originally Posted by RatPackGamer
trololol well fortunately I said easiER and you were responding to my comment on the matter. Are you trying to make the point that 100% is more than 95%? You don't have to. It is self evident. No turning this into chicken and the egg. wink

No. You were responding to my post. Admittedly, I said "quick" instead of "easy" there. But in the context of workload they are synonymous.

Originally Posted by RatPackGamer
Entirety of humanity IS nearly infinitely interesting. Congratulations. That doesn't take away from other races being interesting in the slightest. In storytelling you cannot explore every facet of humanity at all times. You pick themes, you take a viewpoint, you write characters, you create barriers, etc. Again, If I write a story about a character (this time of no specified race because it really doesn't matter at the end of the day) who wants vengeance for his brother, this is not representative of an aspect of humanity that represents motherhood or coming of age.

This is all irrelevant. Humanity's interestitude is not dependent on however many facets of it you can explore at the same time. Humanity is interesting because of it's sum. The sum of humanity's interestitude will always be greater than any one interesting aspect of it. The sum of the human condition includes all aspects of it.

Originally Posted by RatPackGamer
Strawman argument? Ha! Really nice of you to 'snip' my quote, dude. Dishonest.

Yes, a strawman argument. One that you has made up. I edited post shows you what was I was objecting to (and yes showing when you have cut in the middle of another person's post is standard). I removed the parts I had said because, well, I said them, and I was asked by the mods to drop it, so I dropped it. That is honest.

No you changed the context of the post by removing a large part of it and changing the meaning/intention then proceeded to respond to your created intention as if I hadn't said anything more, my dude. If you get to play synonymous with 'quicker' and 'easier' then so do others.

If it makes you feel better I amend my post to the following:

Subjectively finding humans more interesting is fine, more power to you, but that doesn't mean people who prefer playing other races are *shallow*, immature, or just want attention, to want to play those options.)

Do you really think that's any better? You've just negatively painted an entire swathe of people for a subjective opinion. Way to go!

I don't think it's unreasonable to think people generally consider 'shallow' and 'immature' as negative attributes that could be considered 'wrong'.

Humans are no more or less interesting than any other race. It depends on context and writing.

Last edited by RatPackGamer; 29/01/21 11:03 PM.