That we are all individuals with individual experiences does not change that the human experience is the sum of human experience. You're just waxing philosophically now, navel gazing.
Originally Posted by Dexai
This is all irrelevant. Humanity's interestitude is not dependent on however many facets of it you can explore at the same time. Humanity is interesting because of it's sum. The sum of humanity's interestitude will always be greater than any one interesting aspect of it. The sum of the human condition includes all aspects of it.
Where do I find this "sum of human experience"? How is this collected and how is it calculated? This isn't exactly maths we're talking about here.
It's always in the last place you look.
Originally Posted by Ayvah
Anyone who says they can put borders around the "human experience" and clearly express what the human experience is not has probably never empathised with another person in their life.
Yes, the borders of "the sum of all humanity", very strict and exclusive definitions there. It only umbrellises literally everything human. Do I need to remind you that I'm the one insisting that all fantasy races are contained within the human condition, and that others -- I don't remember if you personally did this -- are arguing with me that they are not? I'm not the one putting borders around the what does not count as "the human experience" here.