Joined: Jun 2021
I don't like the system where you have to pick the power of the spells, (e.g. magic missiles has the option of 3 or 4 orbs for a level 1 or 2 spell slot) I find that I forget this and end up using my bow by mistake. Maybe have separate icons for each level of spell? I've also attacked my own team mates more than once while I was trying to switch to them. Yeah, as much as I can't say that there is any particular issue with how chosing attack type is done I also found myself many times on a verge of doing something completely silly. My issue is with light-shadow and sneaking. Technically it is possible, realisticaly - I haven't seen many situations in which I would be able to sneak up on someone who would be already hostile. Also - those holes in wall or 3 storey long ladders just to provide spot for higher ground don't appeal to me. Sometimes you just have to fight on flat terrain, such is life. Like it's been said many times over - there are other mods that should be exploited. Also it kind of surprises me that there is little to none opportunity for bottlenecking. On the top of that - being lower than enemy shouldn't necessary be dooming you disadvantage - provided you're sufficiently creative and happen to have right spells/items. On RNG - imho for d20 there is just not enough entropy for casual RNG no matter how well designed and offsetting it's local series is necessary. Last but not least - I found myself couple of times in situation where after taking out most of the enemies some of them were lurking past some corners and neither side was willing to give up their advantage - leaving stalemate should be an option, going back to camp doesn't make much sense. Also - enemy after battle should seak advantegous positions or get back to it's previous task (if that makes sense in terms of story) - staying wherever battle ended just doesn't make sense.
Joined: Jun 2021
Shadowheart disapproves whether you betray the tieflings or fight with them. There's no option where she doesn't disapprove. That's because she's a b**** - kind of reminds me of some people I know who get mad no matter what I do...
Joined: Jun 2021
First off: I LOVE this game! All the added aspects and interaction of real D&D – bravo! (and the narrator has a waaay nicer voice than my DM – thank you) Can't wait to play the full version.
Some minor comments (sorry if there are repeats - didn't read all the gripes):
I’m no pitcher, but I’m pretty good at getting close to the batter. My PC seems to consistently throw exploding/toxic things at his feet instead of over a wall, cliff, etc. Sometimes the “path is blocked” thing works, sometimes my thief just pitches like Carly Rae Jepsen. Which is ok for Carly, because she sings. Not so great when you are in the middle of a battle and you light yourself on fire.
Also - Why do the characters all sound like they are taking a dump whenever they climb anything? I mean, they have a 9 ft vertical jump, why would they get a hernia from a ladder? I keep expecting to see my movement speed and stealth reduced and a “Poopy Pants” status pop up.
Speaking of stealth, my rogue has to be the loudest walker ever! He must be from the Dutch-halfling line because he is wearing studded wooden clogs. Maybe tone down the walking noise, especially when in stealth mode?
The other NPCs treat my height disadvantaged halfling like he’s a skunk that just sprayed himself. They constantly look down their nose at him as if they’re not careful, they might step in him. It’s very bad for his self-esteem and he cries himself to sleep every night at camp. Maybe have the cut scene heads move with their eyes?
The leather helmet reminds me of the beanie my mom used to make we wear in kindergarten. The older kids would pull it off my head by the tassels and hit me in the face like it was a soft woolen morning star. Unless, you could use it in battle to whip those leather tassels around to bitch-slap your enemies for -2 charisma.
Last edited by rumblemaker; 07/06/21 06:05 PM.
Joined: Jul 2021
Since the new update with the inclusion of knocking people unconscious, that should be expanded upon. For example a rogue specializing in stealth should be able silently choke enemies if they manage to go undetected not alerting enemy allies looking in that direction. Lets say you come upon the initial goblin attack on the druid grove with the 3 adventures begging for the gate to be opened and a rogue silently knocks out some goblins before being found out, would add an interesting dynamic to ways to approach combat and gameplay. It could also segway into being able to imprison and bind the unconscious. I would also say throwing weapons like shurikens and boomerangs should be an option for Ranger characters who don't want to murder things.
I really felt the non spellcasting classes to be underwhelming or not really flashy enough. With that being said I'd recommend diversifying weapon swinging animations and maybe give the option to customize the types of combat animations your custom character uses. Essentially enabling players to design your characters fighting style from a list of available animations that correspond to certain actions or attacks in certain situations or areas the same way the levels of spells are selected with the pop up box.
Last edited by GratefulyUndead; 16/07/21 04:45 PM.
Joined: Jul 2021
I've also had major problem with surprise rounds. Earlier tonight I literally jumped into an ongoing combat from stealth, and I was treated as surprised. This has been an ongoing frustration for me, and it really needs to get fixed.
Last edited by JVaske; 17/07/21 02:15 AM.
Joined: Mar 2021
I don't like that Shadowheart takes priority in the dialogue after the Illithid dreams and that you don't really get to talk to any of the other characters about it except for Gale after the first major dream. At this point it just makes me want to avoid recruiting her entirely because I want to know what the other characters have to say about it.
Joined: Oct 2020
I must say im not sure, since i didnt try yet after patch 5 ... But i believe you can iniciate your Illithid dream conversation with any companion ... for example, in my last play i believe i iniciated it few times with Wyll. O_o
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jul 2021
Right. It used to be that you could talk to all of them about it. After patch 5, when the first dream happens only Gale has something to say about it now. The others act as if nothing happened. After the second dream only that shadowheart has dialogue. Anyway, I dislike it too as I couldn't care less about shadowheart's opinion on, well... anything. I'm tempted to replay with just one companion, see if that forces their dialogue out if neither Gale or shadowheart is recruited.
If this is intended, then I'd say it's a big move in the wrong direction. We already miss out on so much companion input in NPC conversations, because usually only one of them gets to say anything. It seemingly picks at random and overrides the rest. I hate that it tempts me to reload to hear from my favorite companion instead of one of the party members I don't like as much.
Joined: Aug 2021
Right. It used to be that you could talk to all of them about it. After patch 5, when the first dream happens only Gale has something to say about it now. The others act as if nothing happened. After the second dream only that shadowheart has dialogue. Anyway, I dislike it too as I couldn't care less about shadowheart's opinion on, well... anything. I'm tempted to replay with just one companion, see if that forces their dialogue out if neither Gale or shadowheart is recruited.
If this is intended, then I'd say it's a big move in the wrong direction. We already miss out on so much companion input in NPC conversations, because usually only one of them gets to say anything. It seemingly picks at random and overrides the rest. I hate that it tempts me to reload to hear from my favorite companion instead of one of the party members I don't like as much. It's now based on higher approval from companions. Since I basically hate/dislike all companions except for Shadowheart I'm doing a run with only her recruited and yes it works, all dreams and some dialogues are now only her dialogues/reactions as expected.
Last edited by Avallonkao; 18/08/21 09:02 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
In general, will the possibility of a romantic relationship with someone other than companions be realized?
Joined: Oct 2020
Not sure what do you have in mind ... but it would certainly be nice to have option to have Wife and Kids back in Baldur's Gate. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
I mean other NPCs who play a role in the story of the game, but are not companions
Joined: Aug 2021
In general, will the possibility of a romantic relationship with someone other than companions be realized? Notice that between two characters non origin as companions, it is also not possible ... At this stage, I think unfortunatly 0 %. It would request a lot of scripting and dialogs to be efficient just to get something generic and BG3 is not supposed to replace the Sims. Perhaps a mod would be created by a fantastic modder but I am not optimistic about it.
Dans le doute, frappe ...
Joined: Oct 2021
Shadowheart's cutscenes and dialogue seem to take priority over the other companions in most cases.
In the instance of the Illithid dreams you can't get Astarion's nightmare cutscene when she's in your party. You also can't have a cutscene with other characters about going to find the creche or see priestess gut if she's in your party. I have to kill her temporarily to have scenes and dialogue with other companions.
It's really unfortunate because these are revealing/important scenes for the characters. I don't know why you can only access these scenes with one character in your party. It's honestly the most frustrating part of the game for me.
There are instances where a companion other than Shadowheart takes priority, but the result is the same. You're locked out of scenes and dialogue with anyone else.
There are some cases where you can get input and scenes from everyone at camp, but I think it should always be that way.
It's the same with reactions to events while you're traveling. In some scenes, like discovering the book of necromancy, you get comments from everyone. But in most the game chooses one character over the others, and the rest of your companions stay silent as if they have no opinion. I have to separate characters from my party and reload if I want to know what everyone has to say. The scenes where everyone talks are more immersive and pretty seamless/natural to me.
It's just tedious to have to work so hard to know the characters better. And unfortunate that it rarely feels like I'm in a party with a group of people.
The game also chooses one companion with an exclamation point over their head to react to what just happened in your travels. It doesn't let you choose who you want to speak with about it.
People who aren't interested in the characters can always choose not to speak to them. But I really like the characters and hope I don't have to keep doing this to know them better once the game is fully released.
Joined: Oct 2021
Really? It's not tied to approval for me at all. I've tested for changes and it's working the same.
Joined: Nov 2021
It is NOT based on approval at all. I have very high approval with Astarion and neutral with everyone else (never use any of them) and after 3 times playing through the game I still didn't get nearly half the camp cutscenes with him... it seems everyone is overriding him. It is beyond frustrating that I'm forced to NOT recruit anyone else so that I can see all the scenes with the only companion I'm interested in. I really hope it will get fixed soon. Dragon age implemented it rather well, aside from the cutscenes you also get to hear an input to any important moments in the game from all the companions in the party.
Joined: Feb 2021
I can't believe nobody mentioned the Sleep spell yet: it has a duration of 1 minute (or 10 rounds). In the game I'm pretty sure it only lasts two which is a huge waste of a spell slot.
Joined: Nov 2021
I'm having a real hard time with combat as of Patch 7, dunno if it's the patch itself or these problems were present all this time. I also can't find posts in regards to some of the issues I'm going to be addressing here.
So I decided to build a full on aggressive-melee party, maximise damage beyond anything else, therefore my choices so far are a dual wielding Barbarian and dual wielding Astarion for the DPR. Here are some issues I've come across specific to these builds and characters and some other more general in nature issues regarding combat.
1) Main problem I came across is that whenever I choose the Attack Action on either character and the Off-Hand Bonus Action attack is available, the Attack Action will utilise the Bonus Action as well. Dunno why that is and it gets really frustrating not having a clue how to prevent it. I can't have any kind of variety in my attacks and fighting style as the Attack Action will consume my Bonus Action as well, leading to unnecessary overkills and destroying my action economy.
2) Another interesting-strange interaction with dual wielding is when Astarion reached level 3 and I chose the Thief Archetype to utilise the extra bonus action.So using the Attack Action, Astarion will utilise both his Action and Bonus action, but not the Extra bonus action given by the Sub-Class. Makes no sense.
3) Sneak Attacking with Off-Hand Bonus Action SHOULD BE DOABLE as per the 5e ruleset, but as it seems there's a restriction to Sneak Attack in BG3 for it to work with the main hand only, which is not provided in the description of Sneak Attack in game and I found out by reading it on the Wiki. Might be wrong on that last part but if not... Why is it like that ?
4) Lastly for Sneak Attack it SHOULD WORK on Opportunity Attacks as well. FIX SNEAK ATTACK.
5) Reactions are a mess and don't work properly. Something I encountered last night was during the Gnoll fight outside the cave. Gnolls will provoke OA but for some reason Gnoll 1 passes right infront of the Barb. NOTHING HAPPENS. Goll 2 provokes OA right after Gnoll 1 did so as well, but BARB TRIGGERS and decides to attack Gnoll 2 instead of 1. How and why does it work like that?
6) Camera angles as of patch 7 are a mess as well. Camera gets stuck in strange positions or zooms in and out for no reason at all when Actions play out.
7) A problem I've encountered in previous patches as well is with spellcasters casting non targeting or AOE Spells. Sometimes, doesn't matter how much I press the left click button to cast the spell, there's something like 70% chances the spell will show its animation casting but the actual spell will never work or it will not just cast itself...
8) Fix Shove-Add grappling and let it work as per the 5e Ruleset. The melee experience is very poor so far.
Last edited by SilentRave; 03/03/22 01:27 PM.
Joined: Sep 2020
1) Main problem I came across is that whenever I choose the Attack Action on either character and the Off-Hand Bonus Action attack is available, the Attack Action will utilise the Bonus Action as well. Dunno why that is and it gets really frustrating not having a clue how to prevent it. I can't have any kind of variety in my attacks and fighting style as the Attack Action will consume my Bonus Action as well, leading to unnecessary overkills and destroying my action economy. Look for a small little icon below your equipped weapons (to the left of the hotbar). Clicking that should swap between using both weapons vs only using your main-hand weapon with the Attack Action. (At least, I think so. The icon has changed as of Patch 7). 3) Sneak Attacking with Off-Hand Bonus Action SHOULD BE DOABLE as per the 5e ruleset, but as it seems there's a restriction to Sneak Attack in BG3 for it to work with the main hand only, which is not provided in the description of Sneak Attack in game and I found out by reading it on the Wiki. Might be wrong on that last part but if not... Why is it like that ? +1. Sneak attack should be a toggle that applies on the first successful hit per turn that satisfies sneak attack conditions. Including on opportunity attacks.
Joined: Feb 2022
It is NOT based on approval at all. I have very high approval with Astarion and neutral with everyone else (never use any of them) and after 3 times playing through the game I still didn't get nearly half the camp cutscenes with him... it seems everyone is overriding him. It is beyond frustrating that I'm forced to NOT recruit anyone else so that I can see all the scenes with the only companion I'm interested in. I really hope it will get fixed soon. Dragon age implemented it rather well, aside from the cutscenes you also get to hear an input to any important moments in the game from all the companions in the party. I also group with only Astarion most of the time because I want to see his reactions the most. Why can't every companion react after the tadpole dreams, after learning of a way to treat the tadpole, etc.? Why must Shadowheart always get priority at camp and why can't more than one companion have a scene per night at camp? People talk about limiting long rests and I don't want them to because I already have to rest too much just to get the other companion scenes over with to get to the ones I want. If I'm not doing that, I'm killing companions or dismissing them and racing to beat them back to camp so I can hopefully see someone else's scene. Which is a tedious and frustrating way just to get Gale's Weave scene to trigger before I've explored too many zones and locked myself out of it. It's like a juggling act where I have to meticulously metagame and not let things unfold naturally as I play, because that would make me miss half the companion content.