Originally Posted by Modrawd
I really hope that the dice-throwing algorithms will be fixed by the release, otherwise it is not playable... in BG it is just a trash when the whole party misses in turn with a probability of hitting 70%. I only have 1 / 4-5 hits on the enemy. (No, I know the mechanics of the game, and NO, I made the maximum possible build to implement the damage), while the enemy only has a 1/4 miss .... I HAVE ARMOR CLASS 20-21 AND ON ME A GOBLIN (armor class 9) HITS WITH A STICK MORE MORE, THAN I ATTACK HIM COMBAT WEAPON

This situation comes up in tabletop as well and is frustrating there. That's the nature of RNG. Having the "hit percentages" visible just makes it more frustrating. I'd rather shoot stat-blind based on visual cues like armor, cover and magic protection. I agree that it does seem like there is something off when a 70% chance to hit fails to connect 80% of the time.

Last edited by undermine; 12/02/21 09:23 PM.